So my photo of her front on didn’t actually happen, yay camera phone for randomly not working! You can see how I built up the back of the head a bit, once molded I’ll put a thin layer over that to create the ridges as a separate piece. Pretty happy with this. You may be…

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This helped me soooooo much 🙂 I had been going by only a few pretty low res images but this and the new wallpapers by Bioware have meant I was able to get my sculpt almost to the point of actually genuinely molding 🙂 i retextured the jaw and mandibles and made a lip for…

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Stalled Nyreen

But not for long hopefully 🙂 GP visit in t minus 30 minutes to hopefully get all the sprays for up my nose (we’ve thrown three lots of antibiotics- giggle.. antibiotics…) steroids and all the NSAIDs. And nasal wash. You know the thing that feels like like swimming and breathing in water…. Anyway. I have…

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I am smiling and tearing at the same time. Bravo to the original artist. Freddie, you flamboyant incredibe artist whom I followed as a child and into my teens. 21 years but never will be forgotton.

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  Nyreen in pieces. Click the tag and you’ll see how she started as one piece and is now multiple. Ultracal should arrive tomorrow or the day after so we be molding! Tidying and making retaining walls as well 🙂 Oh yes, spoke to Garrus, kept clicking to hear “calibrations” and giggling inanely. So there…

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    All the pieces (except the mandibles, I need a funky angle for them 🙂 ). It was so hard cutting my sculpt apart and carefully transfering the pieces to work on individually. Also my tools! I use only a few in reality. The paring knife and craft blade most. Then three of the…

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   So the worst thing is I am now waiting until I can mold her. There are a few areas to tidy and even up a bit more. But when you are at about 95% done that last 5% can make or break a project The breaking is when you start to see that 5%…

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