

@masseffect Nyreen is free! The molds are all good except for a small gap on the inner jaw, and some clay stuck in her lower lip area. Which I knew would be a possibility when I decided to make a shallow lip. I can at least fill in the gap as it is a waisted hole so when I fill it the plaster won’t come out, which does happen if you have a smooth bubble shape.

So much clay to clean out though…. the mandibles came out clean so I was able to test one on my face. Good proportions, now to see how it works in latex. I’ll clean the molds today and slush some latex in tonight. I have some thickened stuff left and lots of paint to slush some grey latex.

Of which I have my torso patterned. Wooo

Wooooooooo! More costume love XD What armour are you doing? N7? In game (ME2 still for me) I have the pearl tint on any and all upgrades. It’s mother of pearl, shell…. I am a really bad punster 😉 But yay!

@masseffect Nyreen is free! The molds are all good except for a small gap on the inner jaw, and some clay stuck in her lower lip area. Which I knew would be a possibility when I decided to make a shallow lip. I can at least fill in the gap as it is a waisted hole so when I fill it the plaster won’t come out, which does happen if you have a smooth bubble shape.

So much clay to clean out though…. the mandibles came out clean so I was able to test one on my face. Good proportions, now to see how it works in latex. I’ll clean the molds today and slush some latex in tonight. I have some thickened stuff left and lots of paint to slush some grey latex.

Tumblr!!!! Sorry, I got a query and it won’t let me reply publicly, but I don’t want to “out” the sender in case they don’t want to be known 🙂

9. Something cosplay-related that you will never do (eg. crossplay, cosplay from a certain series)

Hmmm.. Won’t vs can’t… I tend to not try and go near any real world social issues when in costume with no performance art related to it. I’ve been political in the past with theatre and that’s one thing, but not with costume. Too much room for misinterpretation.

People make assumptions as it is, I don’t really want to give more reason 😉

23. The cosplay you put the most effort into?

Hmmmmmm… I suppose my blue wool Cleves ensemble, though it’s not cosplay. This gown required me to not only find all the portraits I could by Barthyl Bruyn and all the unknown artists of the time and place, but then compare them to woodcuts and then also read some 16thC journals in the language of the time, as well as peer reviewed journals about other housebooks (lists of what was bought and when and how much it was). And then to use the contemporary tailoring manuals find similarlities of construction even though they are totally didfferent styles. Then look at the same information before and after the dates to find a logical pattern of change.

I do not do historical costuming by halves. Same level of research goes into patterning and constructing my Victorian era gear. I don’t use patterns I use the same guides as the professionals of the time.

But for the Blue Cleves gown I was doing a lot more Masters level research. I even nearly bought archival microfilms as the only way to get some info!

27. What is your favourite cosplay item?

This one confuses me! Made or to make with? If a single item then I really don’t have one. Everything ties in together too much. However if we are talking a more generic open thing… Alcohol activated paint. It’s amazeballs. Not even a sealer over bodypaint comes close. This stuff is magic. Reel Creations and Latona’s.

guess what I made: 30 COSPLAY QUESTIONS: PUT A NUMBER (or numbers) IN MY BOX AND I WILL ANSWER (maybe even with a photo)!

guess what I made: 30 COSPLAY QUESTIONS: PUT A NUMBER (or numbers) IN MY BOX AND I WILL ANSWER (maybe even with a photo)!

So my photo of her front on didn’t actually happen, yay camera phone for randomly not working!

You can see how I built up the back of the head a bit, once molded I’ll put a thin layer over that to create the ridges as a separate piece.

Pretty happy with this. You may be able to spot some other changes to proportions. Those wings have been removed entirely and I was pleasantly surprised by how well they matched just by eye. I do test for symmetry regularly but also as an organic form some asymmetry helps keep it looking real. But you need to find that balance between being real and being lazy 😉

This helped me soooooo much 🙂 I had been going by only a few pretty low res images but this and the new wallpapers by Bioware have meant I was able to get my sculpt almost to the point of actually genuinely molding 🙂

i retextured the jaw and mandibles and made a lip for the.. well lips. Got the cheek bones more flared and the eye sockets cut out properly.

I overdid it today but that’s what codiene is for right? Right? Yes, still fighting the never ending sinus infecton. But I do now have a nasal drip and a sore throat so it may well be that they are draining. Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease.

Reblog this if you started worrying about your weight before you were even 16

I found a letter I wote for a class exercise when I was 12. It went into detail about how I needed to go on a diet. Again. I found that letter several years ago and it stll makes me so mad to think that any child of that age was already talking about dieting as if it were a normal thing- I was clearly not afraid of my teacher reading.

I do know I was conscious of weight at the age of 10. But it was a bit of an eye opener to actually have physical evidence of it.