Ummm.. just wow. I had no idea I was heading up to SGH for a photoshoot that Thomas so kindly wrangled for me. I had a “dur” moment when I realised though… ehem. There is a latex bald cap glued over my ears as well as the lekku as well as the ear buds so I missed most of what anyone said unless they were speaking directly at an ear bud so I blame the costume. Yeah. These silly costumes, to quote from another franchaise.

This one photo makes up for oh so much trouble getting to and from D*C as well as some stinky health issues that plagued both Celebration and D*C.

Thank you SGH, Kristy and Thomas.

SGh for the art and letting me be truly Sith, Kristy for so patiently painting my back and working with products you had never tried before and to Thomas for organising a last minute photoshoot with SGH and for being my eyes and ears and at times sensible adult.

Many thanks to Matt and Kristy for their help and hosting and taking many awesome images (I think all but one linked here) 🙂

And so then in character I got to Shoot All The Things! Bounty Hunters, can’t take them anywhere:

For Balmorra and Belsavis! That is the famous Roxy. So glorious.

And met amazing people:

And stormed the Rebels:

Took over the Imperials:

Took a taxi, er, speeder to Endor:

And eventually was caught and repackaged:

More people shared on Facebook but it is being a pain to deal with but I have been able to get a few shared to my page:

though they are intersperced with a few rants about the flights back and other projects 🙂

I still need to harvest in progress photos from a few cameras so will try and do a progress update.

I have just bought more material to redo the chest and back plates, saving up for replacement bodysuit too 🙂

Oh and in case you didn’t notice, it’s pretty fun in Shae’s shoes. So much fun. Except in the Marriott elevators.




Samara from the Mass Effect series

Cosplayer: glittersweet

Photographer: krisez

Yay! always like to see photographers credited 🙂 It’s got me pondering though- how do you credit the costumer if a cosplay was not self made and you are at a convention…. I’ve even had people flat out refuse to say who made their costume.

Hoping against hope to be able to fit Liara in my luggage but the stress is piling up before D*C and I may not be able to make it.

Love the costume, and I know for a fact that this was self made, not store bought of bought from a costume maker.  but agreed its always nice to give credit where credit is due.

Yep, made by me (just in case this reblogging cuts off bits of text) 😉 But I have had people outright state that my work was made by someone else…

Sigh. I don’t know how you make that distinction in a big crowded convention. I mostly try and focus on those who do care about the distinction (I firmly believe in following your own bliss but being honest about it*) and also appreciate those who appreciate my work regardless of where they think it came from. And to let the rest just go.

*For me it is the process and seeing a project to the end. If the character is very dear to me I also love to try and capture the character in photographs. To date the easiest has been Shae Vizla and Darth Talon. Speaking of which I really should get a tumblr set of D*C and C6



Star Wars: The Old Republic costumes seen at Celebration VI

OMG that bounty hunter!!

Thank you 🙂 The SWTOR presence was amazing 🙂



Mark pls

I am dead.

Mark and Rana are lovely lovely people 🙂 So glad I got a chance to meet them and march with them in the parade XD

This was me at Celebration nearly the entire time. We did have a mass SWTOR group at the end of Saturday though which was good 🙂