Today I get to glue and hammer snaps into my armour and strapping. Kind of terrified. I may also get sanding and painting the very last of my props.

Above is my costume laid out, minus pressure hose, bodysuit, boots, gloves, balaclava. The light up parts are actually reflective tape as I am unwilling to travel with eletronics other than obviously related.

There may be a photo or two to update between now and flying out but probably not.

I forgot.: Public humiliation done right.

Link: I forgot.: Public humiliation done right.


Took my little sister toy shopping today. After much browsing, she chose a pack of Hot Wheels cars. She wanted to pay so I gave her the money. As we were waiting in line, some dude waiting behind us asks:

“Buying those for your brother?”

My sister gives him a weird look,…


I wish I was confident enough to do that. I’ve had more than my fair share of “those are boys things” or “hur hur what are you going to do with that, nudgenudge” and been vocal but polite or way too humiliated to say anything.

Most recent:
I buy an E11 Hasbro at half price because it’s a nice base to mod. I go to the counter to pay and see some really cute blingy charms.

Me: Heh, is it funny I want to buy both the uber sparkly blingy charms and the blaster in the same trip.

Counter dude: yeah but only the charms are for you right?

Sigh. I did politely tell him they were both for me, but I’ll just that the gun right now please. I still have plans for the charms, I’ll just buy them another time.

We won’t go into what this other dude did when I bought electronics for my lightsabre. I should have actually reported him for sexual harassment because it went way beyond simply being annoying.


(via Citadel Layer: Pallid Wych Flesh – Element Games – Warhammer and Warhammer 40k Store)

I wish my foundation had a name like this!

I nicknamed my foundation corpse grey because it really did look grey in the bottle. Revlon Colourfast I think it was. Can’t find 000 foundation any more. I use powder only now. Though I have some of that colour match stuff, where it mixes in the pump? I have it set only to pump from one side. The lightest.

Though my medication now has given me so many freckles I look darker than I am. Ditto for the pink cheeks.

back to your regularly scheduled tumblr….


Samara from the Mass Effect series

Cosplayer: glittersweet

Photographer: krisez

Yay! always like to see photographers credited 🙂 It’s got me pondering though- how do you credit the costumer if a cosplay was not self made and you are at a convention…. I’ve even had people flat out refuse to say who made their costume.

Hoping against hope to be able to fit Liara in my luggage but the stress is piling up before D*C and I may not be able to make it.


Gosh, she’s gorgeous, I wish I looked like that!

Ms B! I hadn’t seen this set, that’s her as Blind Mag right? Darnnit. If I weren’t so broke I know where to get that elastic and a good fabric substitute…. And my new wig is just so. Add to that a slight resemblance (she has much better cheek bones for one) and booyah!

But no monies and sadly no one at my local Cons would recognise this. That said anyone doign a Repo costume in NZ for Armageddon let me know! SB was one of my earliest influences. Put it down to an obsession with phantom and a kid. It got me into thratre, singing, costume history… So much.

Had to go back to Nar Shaddaa for a bit and having just trawled around Coruscant grabbing screenies of Republic dancers to help someone else out I thought I’d grab some of my favourite Empire side dancers:)

The zebra stripes of the dancers on the barge on the lower promenade are gorgeous! 

I want to know how you meet Crystal though. I didn’t get a warning that I couldn’t converse with her and neither my BH nor my SI have had a mission to go into that area. Sigh.


Cleves Blue 1 by ~glittersweet

I’m surprised this got even one note 😉 Seriously, I’m flattered as this is a style that doesn’t really fit in with the modern aesthetic 🙂 It’s accurate, right down to pinned on sleeves (okay that is my conjecture based on woodcuts of the time as well as written documents of the time) and silly cloak hanging from the head.

The cloak is a heuke and it is about 2kg, maybe three (more than five pounds) and is carefully held in place using mainly a little engineering trickery:

Hair is plaited and pinned (bobby pins) around the crown.

A fitted cap (guldhaube) is pinned (sewing pins) to the hair in front and behind the plaits with florists pins.

A shaped cap (sticklechen) is pinned over the cap and pinned also just in front of the plaits. There is a velvet lappet pinned around the front on the underside which adds tension to hold it balanced at the back of the head.

Then the heuke collar is pinned to the fitted cap (guldhaube) and the fabric hangs over the back.

My original stickelchen had pearls and goldtone bezants all over it but the sequins were ruined by a house fire and I have never managed to redo the base frame to fit. The base is buckram and felt steamed to shape.



Thierry Mugler Haute Couture Fall/Winter 1997: The Chimera Gown

H’oh lawd.
I’ve only seen still images of this before. Seeing it moving is BRILLIANT.

This has been on my inspiration list since forever. The 90s seemed to be the decade for the most amzing theatrical stunt couture gowns. Look at how the model has embraced the whole persona. Thierry Mugler is most certainly one of my major influences in design, which I never make into reality because of cost!