I don’t know what to do

I’ve just lost thousands of files in trying to organise my saved files from my old sites. I have back ups, I do, but at what point do I just give up? It’s been 20 years of my work being destroyed- physical, digital, online, and reputational. It’s my time, it’s my health, and it’s my finances that are all destroyed along with it. I think it’s obvious that I’ve been having a hard time, I just don’t think many people know just how hard. It’s not hesitancy, it’s not an attitude, it’s that every time I try to do something it is destroyed by circumstances out of my control. And contrary to popular belief that doesn’t make it easy to ignore.

And given that what just happened (explorer crashing) has happened a few times this week I know I’ve lost even more. Again, I have backups. But the work I did over the last two weeks is now in question. And frankly not just a waste of that time, but created a waste of time going forward. Much more than the weeks I’ve lost given I need to try to rescue those files, and try to work out why there are no restore points on this drive (greyed out- it’s just not an option, when I tried to set up file history what actually happened was files on my drive with the OS were copied to my back up. Probably writing over files the OS just destroyed) hope like hell that I can recover files, scan logs for what caused the crash (almost certainly won’t find it as errors are often meaningless.)

I don’t think people realise these photos are all I have left of most of my costuming history. Physical and digital. That’s why they matter so much.

And that’s just the stuff I can write publicly about.

So if I’m but sharing here or on IG then it’s because my life has just gotten even more difficult. It’s even harder to see anyone in person so that’s leaving me just so very lost indeed.

The rain it raineth every day

I’m incredibly lucky that I did decide to keep my OS on a small hard drive and to keep all my data separately stored and backed up. Because yesterday I got the dreaded black screen of death. Technically I shouldn’t have. I was able to grab my data to do the simplest clean install. But I shouldn’t even have to do that. Still. I know how to.

But it’s just such a drain. I had planned for this weekend to be time to work on my Cleves accessories. To print off my papers as they are and do some physical editing with a big red pen, scissors to literally cut and paste (or tape) because they’ve gotten so big that scrolling the digital copies means I might miss where I’ve written the same thing a few times.

And I do need to fold in the three incredible pieces of evidence which absolutely support why I took down my older research even though at the time it was because I had doubts not certainties. Those doubts got stronger, I thought I had got myself into the weeds, so I even doubted my own perception, which again meant I was even more unwilling to put my old work back out there. But these three pieces are exactly what I need.

So now all that work is safely backed up so I can just keep this harddrive solo while any patches to the update might roll out and might cause more havoc. I keep thinking I should also try and run games off another drive but I’m not going to lie all of this means I don’t have time, energy, pain levels to even have a little fun. I’m dreading this update on my laptop. I have my files backed up there as well. But I also have image editing apps for my pattern book- the surface allows me to draw directly to then use the tools to tidy it all.

A Comedy of Eras

Oh dear. So I’ve spent years pecking at records trying to explain my understanding of what a Stickelchen is- mostly trying to break my theory, and I haven’t been able to do so. I’ve also just spent the week sorting thousands of documents and fragments of documents only to find a single screen capture that explicitly states what it is. And I took it in 2018.

It’s both amusing and devastating!

It’s on par with me also carefully laying out evidence years ago as to why Henry really was desperate to not marry Anne only to find it was well understood by Netherlandish historians because Anne’s brother William laid claim to Gelderland and it lead to the Duchy being seized by the Emperor.

Charles got prints published of him specifically squashing Anne’s brother and Henry’s enemies. But also potential allies.

English: Charles V enthroned over his defeated enemies (from left to right): Sultan Suleiman, Pope Clement VII, Francis I, the Duke of Cleves, the Duke of Saxony and the Landgrave of Hesse.

English: Charles V enthroned over his defeated enemies (from left to right): Sultan Suleiman, Pope Clement VII, Francis I, the Duke of Cleves, the Duke of Saxony and the Landgrave of Hesse.

You can’t fail to recognise what a liability it suddenly became. And pretty much during Anne’s long and dangerous journey. They had to ask Mary of Hungary (regent of the Netherlands and the Emperor’s sister) for help in ensuring her safety. And you only really learn how hard that was when you start reading from the point of view of historians who have written about Mary and how she ruled.

But the connection just gets even stronger when you realise both Henry and William were trying to marry Christina of Denmark. And who was protecting her? Mary of Hungary. And when did Henry learn about this? Actually that possibly made the alliance even more alluring. Anne would inherit from all her siblings after all.

I also spent some time pondering another reason and realised I had some nifty evidence for that as well.

Anyway. Having spent the week breaking my brain reading cross multiple languages (Czech, German, Dutch, Spanish, French) trying to make sure I had all my Anne research in appropriate folders including all copies of digitised books it was pretty funny to have had this little screenshot making my entire case that had been pieced across hundreds of documents and images and over 20 years.

But as I did pay for two images and a few articles/books (waiting for one to arrive) I can just print off what I’ve written so far to edit the way I work best which is at the table with a red pen and highlighters so I can get this finally sorted.

I would love to present my paper in a more formal setting but it takes a year from a call for papers to presenting and I’ve teased about this for far too long as it is. So I’ll format another paper to be a follow up and if accepted that can be focused on and tidied.

Rather than try to cite multiple documents this is a fairly good account of everything and in English: Modern Europe – Vol.2 -2nd ed., by Dyer, Thomas Henry, Publication date 1877

I’m also not trying to claim to have been the first to realise the enormity of the implications, nor that it was the sole reason to get out of the marriage fast, it just seems to not make it into works about the wives. Good works about Anne herself do cover this. I just have a vested interest in Gelderland as it’s where a full 1/4 of my ancestors came from. So I’ve read a secondary group of documents as I’ve also been trying to create a resource for women’s clothing also from Gelderland. And that research has really revealed the incredible pull of political and traditional connections to the North Rhine and other parts of the Netherlands.

Will the Real Paper about the Real Stickelchen Please Finally Stand Up

Pretty sure that I’ve lost most of my intended audience with what began as a simple paper comparing written and visual evidence of just What The Frock in on Anne of Cleves’ head. But it really is both extremely simple and incredibly complex. I did work out what one major barrier is for those of us who speak/write English as a first language. So once I got that sorted, I also went through as many works I had previously used visually. And oh boy, wow. No wonder there is so much misinformation.

I’ve had to read a lot of academic publishing, as well as informal blog posting, obviously. So I kind of forgot that rules like citations for a statement aren’t required in these works. I have to figure out the specific source from pecking through text and figure captions and bibliographies.

But in doing so it really drove home how important it is for me to not make the same mistake.

So Cologne was doing interesting things before other cities? I might be able to get the date for those things but it then means I have to go look what is written from local sources everywhere else too in case the same biases exist.

But that has also lead to gaps in our understanding too.

I found one of the earliest biographies about Anne of Cleves written in German at a time when local archives were available to the author. But he rejected using them in favour of English sources. Why? He thought local sources would be biased, but not the English.

And a lot of those 19thC authors simply were not interested in the 16thC but rather up to 1500 and after 1600.

When I find biographies or exhibitions of artists depictions of women are simply not in focus. My timeline of depictions of women and girls has got to be properly expanded to include art forms I’ve mostly kept out. Why? Totally different art forms have different aims. And then you have completely different restoration efforts. And then what to do with the trachtenbucher? These are what artists from outside the region interpret. And that is very important as obviously we’re now all on the outside looking in thanks to time.

Anyway. Yes. Simple and complex at the same time.


First a detour- some of my work is being used in wikipedia and wikicommons entries. Only one so far hasn’t included me as the source. But it has put a bit of pressure on me to publish. I have better quality images, and I have new images. It’s slow going though.

But I’ve finally got some incredible evidence that I have desperately been searching for. I can’t really believe I found it to be honest. But I’m still working my way through my physical library, and that’s much harder than digitised files. I think what I have fits in and connects some of these works.

It’s not helped that there is a reason for these sporadic notes here and that’s simply how tired and sore I am. Progress in my calves is slow. The damage is just, a lot. The equivalent of scarring? The thickening of the tissue means it’s not as resilient so it takes care, but dedication, to stretch safely and build muscle. I am more springy in my walking. But if I push it too far I’m back to flipper walking.

It means using the outer muscles to offload to and yes, I look like a penguin in the last legs of their yearly migration. It’s different to my RA John Wayne walk when my hips get inflamed. But it is all about that offloading.

In kitties update, Fluffy actually spent time resting on my legs the other night. He never does that. But it’s what Boo used to do all the time and so I’ve had a flood of emotions about that and missing little Carlo too. And I’ve managed to pat little Missy’s tummy if I can time the pats to pats on her head.

Falling in love with the North Rhine again

I’ve been radio silent for some time. I’m finally pulling through. And in the last few days I’ve really delved into my collection of portraits of women (and girls) of Cologne to add to my timeline of portraits. I’ve got so many new images, and really exciting ones, that confirm that my early use of them has been very appropriate.

On top of that I’m going to have to re-date and re-attribute some. Actually a lot.

I’ve also got my written information to go through which is a bigger mess. But I do have a bigger timeline of inventories than I realised. This is important because I’m working around a bit of a vacuum. When that doesn’t shrink with more sources then it’s a genuine vacuum.

Patterning updates

Not just of access to online resources but my own. I’m working on making them available on my website. However in this protracted process of trying to reconcile my digital archives of my life and research I’ve had multiple drives destroy my work. At this point I can’t tell which they are but I suspect it’s the ssd with firmware issues and the exfat formatted external ssd. The two drives I’m working from currently are in theory error free except I’m also finding images that have clearly been repaired as the lower half of them are either black or that rainbow effect I’m used to from Ye Olde Days of the net. You can tell the files are read top left to bottom right, like a scanner. This includes the scans of my 1/10 scale patterns I’ve taken of my own costumes.

Naturally will over 1M files this is adding to the burden and stress of not knowing what files to trust as I’d have to open every single one of them. I’ve managed to be able to read some PDFs that were corrupted and that’s been via a free app. So I’m not deleting my files that are so corrupted they can’t be opened yet I’m just keeping them aside. Consider how file names can be the reason apps won’t open them, especially those just missing a . before the extension or have file size on the end of the extension.

So I’m hoping that these broken files only have a tiny error like that at the start of the file so I can eventually properly repair them.

But yes.

Burying the lede here I am indeed do all this so I can get my own work better served on my own site with bigger images of my in progress and finished work as well as patterns.

I’ve just taken photos of my 16thC bodice support layers as they fit fairly easily on my cutting mat so I can easily trace them in either photoshop or Inkscape.

But yes I’m also working my way through my patterns developed from photographs of extant items- it’s a bit like my Waterfall pattern diagrams in taking into account distortion. Luckily my work with the tailoring and dressmaking books makes that possible. Consider my cheat guide for Victorian skirts- I took that directly from dressmaking books. Bodices have a really similar cheat- there are some hard measurements and there are some that are taken from the person. We don’t really do that. On the whole we use fabric very differently and we apply drafting systems that simply weren’t used for the same pieces.

And that’s true for each era I focus on. I think we’re used to the idea of cutting being one direction of evolution. So we judge differences from that as some kind of deviation rather than innovation. We certainly do when it comes to the rise of dressmaking. We forget that not only were the early dressmakers excluded from tailoring archives they weren’t allowed to make the same garments. This means not being able to reverse engineer what tailors did.

And tailors would harass and even destroy the entire workshops of dressmakers even in the 18thC when full protections had been in place for a long time. So I think we forget how backed into a corner they were in terms of patterning. In terms of construction.

We dismiss the stitching as not being high quality yet I’ve seen the stitching of many 16th-17thC garments made by tailors and they are the mix you’d expect when apprentices do a fair bit of the non destructive work. Dressmakers also hired apprentices and so they leave their mark too.


I’ve been wanting to write about this time except all this tech fail and destruction has been taking up a lot of my time. Not to mention I’m still recovering from my Achilles Tendinopathy. And yes, still grieving losing Carlo. I’m finding myself avoiding sitting on the sofa where he was and staying out of my room.

Finally some success

I had at one point decided to take all my own references out of my year by year photo archives but I think I need to keep them in that one place. It’s a record of what I knew and when. I’ve done the same with my costume photos. And I’ve found a huge lot of heavily corrupted files. I can’t tell which drive they came from. It might be the external drive it may be the drive with multiple failures. I’m checking both today. But it’s entire folders including my scanned patterns of my own work.

I also need to get some batch conversion/renaming going if I want to get my website not only back to the state it was before but better. It’s in theory a good thing to do over winter but it’s a bit chilly so I’m going to warm up while my hardrives get scanned in the background.

It’s just all very hard as my site was broken in to (nope, not through my credentials) so soon after Boo died, and now all of this while we were giving palliative care for Carlo.

So it’s all very overwhelming.

I do have so many beautiful photos of them. And of friends and family.

Cut my Cote review

Oh this desperately needs to be reprinted. I requested it as an interloan, and not every library has that function nor do all libraries do interloans outside of selected systems. I’ve known about it for some time, of course, but I never really needed it for my focus. But, yes, working my way through the interpretations of what a mantua is meant I needed it to really understand where those theories came from.

Which brings me back to the importance of reprinting Cut my Cote.

We all know, now, how difficult it was for Janet Arnold to get her publishers to understand the actual needs of those using her works. Colour photos, pattern pieces laid out and *not* overlapping.

But this was far from uncommon.

Blanche Payne’s work had her pattern diagrams removed in the so called expanded version because the publishers didn’t see the need for patterns as other books had them too.

Not those patterns though! And I’m pretty sure the cost of the first edition on the second hand market should have the publisher fighting for the right to do the same justice to her work that the School For Historical Dress has done for Arnold. Payne’s records exist and I suspect include far more than made it into her book.

The rise of social media though has meant a lot of evidence of how much each work is appreciated and needed.

I really liked reading Cut my Cote, and the Royal Ontario Museum has really expanded on it through exhibits and a video which also lead well into the mantua origins. A fair bit of this talk for instance made its way into Patterns of Fashion.

I’ve been a bit stuck, still, trying to get my own archives sorted. Discovering that my newest drive is in exfat so apparently only meant to transfer files, but also has no journaling so if you lose power or connection you can brick the whole thing not to mention if you move files their image previews remain on the previous folder.

I have though I got around the pdf thumbnail issue which has also somehow given me thumbnails for other documents and I do like that.

Elsa Mantua project

Of course. I’ve had so much bad luck with all my projects for the last few years so naturally I’ve made a bit of a hash of my mantua. I cut my lace to fit a narrow petticoat and I’m not happy with it. In order to patch the lace back together I need to temporarily baste it to some calico and in order to sew the lace to the petticoat I really need it to have an uneven number of panels.

So I have cut each full width down to half, unpicked the hem and inserted a half width into the front that is shorter than the rest of the panels.

The new Patterns of Fashion books help make sense of the original Janet Arnold article in Costume of my favourite mantua. And my mistakes in over compensating for length including upper flounce turns out to be perfectly fine for this.

I’ve even managed to keep a short piece of full width fabric to make the pleated yoke. I’m still working out what shape to make my foundation to help take the weight of all the lace. I was thinking of using the piece I cut from the bottom of my Marie Antoniette hoops seeing as it’s a bit too stretchy to control the steels.

But then again I have plenty of support materials from glazed cotton to linen canvas. So I should raid that stash box instead.

I wanted a simple project in which I’d mix historically accurate pattern with modern materials and stitching and have a lot of fun making an OTT stomacher, but like so many others I’m realising how much the seaming informs the outcome. I’m not investing too much in the petticoat as I have turned the seam allowances to the back and will do a mix of machine flat felling with hand sewing above the lace. But I do now need to consider the order of sewing for the robe itself. And I really should line the train. It needs to be a very light fabric and as this fabric is 100% acetate I think I need something nicer than most modern lining fabrics but not anything expensive either.

I have been also working on the research side of things because there really cannot be enough people sharing what they have learned.