What next?

I’m feeling a little overwhelmed by health and trying to finish any project at all right now. I have a few projects I feel I should finish before starting anything new. But the reality is I have stalled on them for the same reason: health. This doesn’t make it easier, it feels like more pressure….

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Current plans

So my first workshop went really well. I need to make getting the follow up notes a priority oer the next few days. I may do that today even though i am a day behind in general. I’ve also decided I have enough lovely projects finished that I can concentrate on the ones I want…

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rib feels better

Admittedly I threw high levels of corticosteroids at the problem (20 last night then this morning- very careful to taper off if I have any more. )but the fact is it has helped. I don’t want to leave the house though, the side effects of the entire catalogue of therapy used means I need quiet…

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the books arrived

While I was at the library the Ultimaker was also there XD It felt brilliant being able to talk historic costume nerding while also talking about the printer and the software to use it. Just fun 🙂 Also it’s a nice size machine so seeing it in person means potentially being able to plan to get…

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I’ve been quiet here as it’s the year anniversary of my Boo passing. Feelings of guilt and sadness and everything you’d expect to hit, hit hard. It’s also be hot, very hot for Auckland which tends towards humid, and I’ve variously hurt my hands (requiring a lot of steroids) and got some sort of bug…

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2016 year in review

I made nothing from what I can remember. Just straight up nothing. I started the year well but with the passing of my darling Booheart I started grieving and it just never really let up. I was not able to focus through to the end of anything. And then my disease management started to peter…

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