Shaak Ti?

So having practiced so many times with my Ahsoka molds, and previous methods with Shaak Ti.. I may actually be able to use what I have learnt with Ahsoka to use my Shaak Ti molds again 🙂

(Photo above: metal shelves with cement molds of different sizes, bottom shelf supporting in particular the two part molds for Ahsoka Tano and Shaak Ti creature effects.)

This is very exciting. To find a method that creates a predictable latex cast, that is durable and light. I think I may need to do a video guide as if takes both hands, well full body, and is so messy it would ruin my camera equipment to try and get photos.

But it winds up cheaper than a purely slush cast piece with about the same flex and is lighter. I still need to test if the support I used for Shaak Ti will work with this new method, but I do have hope.

(photo above: two part molds resting against a white wall and on grass with exposed topsoil.)

The cast has also not pulled from the molds as much as previous which means it is likely to shrink less. While these molds were relatively easy to work with it may prove more troublesome with the Shaak Ti molds as there are more ridges. But these are exactly why I want to keep using this method- the ridges tend to cause latex to clump into deeper parts of the mold and crete weak thin casts over the higher parts.

Tomorrow I will test it.

This method may also work for Turian jaws and mask 🙂 Right now the flat back cast for the jaws work very nicely.


Question time

So while my online demonstration of mold making is not really optimised as it’s slow going but here is a question:

Can anyone guess at why I have been trimming the edges of my molds? I just cut back not only the excess drip marks but also the thin edge left behind.

sm_dsc_0785 sm_dsc_0787

I am curious as to what might be presumed about this “extra step” 🙂

I’ll be posting a separate post once I have finished. But  few clues:

~ biggest clue- this mold is 50lbs (22.9kg)

~ I have seen professional mold-makers in action  so I picked up some habits used on large scale projects.

~ I have been making molds since.. well the late 90s (shhh) so I have a lot of experience in making and maintaining them (lots of experience at doing things in a rush as well as well planned)

~ think of these as objects in and of themselves as well as an intermediary object to make other things 🙂 And how you make the things from this.

~The mold is currently on the ground.

day of sculpting

The very early night has been of benefit. I am indeed rested.

So today will be a sculpting day!

Also I’ll be attempting to use a 3D modelling app to turn photos of my Maleficent horns into a printable file. This will be just the start. I will then need to tidy and make the files actually printable (should be fairly easy as the scan is only of the surface, vs creating a file from scratch and the need to remove internal frames.

But I also didn’t realise just how nicely my sculpt has remained, so there may also be some tidying of the polymorphf head support. It may be worth getting my calipers out 🙂

I can also work on Ahsoka 🙂 The clay is soft enough to smooth by hand 🙂