A very good day

Today was actually quite magnificent really. Found another big pink storage container- slowly getting a few as my bucket system is great for trims etc but most projects atm are BIG! So after that I picked up two pairs of shoes from savemart as well as a sofa cover in faux suede, but the satinbacked…

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found them

Supplements from Der Bazar! I have a stack to go through and make a good proper post about, possibly a plage. I have terrible tagging habits so a page may be best. Also I’m going to switch up blog settings to share “medium” sized thumbnails as the thumbnails seem to be smaller. I love this…

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scaling part 2

Whoops, I miscalculated yesterday. The figure is actually 135mm from heel to crown. And the saber definitely is shorter than inside elbow to knuckles. So x/168=23/135 x= 28.622   So that actually works. I know this is shorter than in the show, and is shorter if I go by the same calculation of the concept…

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Scaling funtimes

I’ve taken the concept art of Ahsoka and scaled her to my height- so 168cm from heel to top of head- so I cropped the montral off and the heels of the boots. And I have checked head height is accurate, height from waist to should is right.. Her “big” lightsaber hilt winds up 34cm long!…

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The next few months have many opportunities! As always there are the Special Children’s Christmas parties, then there is a couple of Steampunk shoots, also the Bal d’Argent, and the big Santa Parade (yep, you’ll see me there XD) and also there are some opportunities for next year that I’m just insanely excited for 🙂 Also…

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Multiple horn making

Currently working in three fandoms. While each set of horns is being made in clay I am using slightly different techniques to support them. I’m also hoping to find some way to scan these, though scanning is very expensive as there are very few people with them as opposed to printers! The weather has continued to…

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