I was going to do a lot of machine sewing to get her ready for Coronation so I instead took the time I had to sew by hand. Some of it went really welll, some like the haube is fiddly because the accessories are just not the way we are used to. I need to…
Tag: anne of cleves
Cleves gown made
My Anna von Kleve Julich & Berg gown is done aside from some hooks and eyes in the skirt. The bodice and sleeves fit nicely but I am ver narrow, and after the flu moreso… so today I get to hunt for all the wool shoulderpads I can as I will need enhancement. The hanging…
Cleves updates
Firstly some headgear progress 🙂 Becase my pearlwork is so dimensional I need a flat brocade front, and then am able to have a flat but slightly more texture brocade for the haub. Then we have the brocade for the collar and neckline. Yep, pressed the brocade into a curve! Ditto for the piece above…
Anne of Cleves back on track :)
I finally bit the bullet and am going to have my own Fealty Chain for the SCA 🙂 I have several enameled medallions on the way to mix in with my hand wired roundels already shared. These are going to be used to make a full set of neckline jewelery as per the Bruyn and…
anne of cleves continues
I did manage all the brocade stitching yesterday. I need to press it before stitching the joins but basically six rows of more than 4m a row through metal brocade was a nightmare. Yes that is overlocking, no it will not remain for long. I do need to get some tape over the seam allowances…
website updates
Oh thank goodness! Last night I was updating my theme (to prevent too many thumbnails being generated when I upload media from an old backup- it’s just easier to import them all) my browser hung. Then I got a 524 error. uh oh, I thought. As a database error it was likely to be a…
what was that about not handsewing
Yeah, well I tried by machine. It was actually much harder and the result was just not okay. I either had really obvious stitches or had to break out my craft blade to unpick very carefully. The light heat n bond is kind of perfect though. It is too light to work on its own…
Anne of Cleves gown progress :)
This gown has really stressed every problem solution option I have! I mostly chose modern options if there was an external issue, or period for internal. So the lining is salvaged from a badly made skirt and left over length. The grain is all over the place inside the skirt so I overhanded all the…
more cleves progress
Stickelchen is now tidy enough to line and to add more leaves and sequins 🙂 The back is slightly longer than the original I made so there is a bit of a gap. Currently binding the individual cords in gold thread. It is taking a few goes as my needles keep bending. Brocade trim progress:…