busy busy

While putting some more latex on Ahsoka and wetforming the knee cops I got a call to do a photoshoot today. Was able to put it off til tomorrow 🙂 It’s for the Herald article that I did a short interview for 🙂 So I’ve tidied up most of the issues with my frock, just…

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What next?

I’m feeling a little overwhelmed by health and trying to finish any project at all right now. I have a few projects I feel I should finish before starting anything new. But the reality is I have stalled on them for the same reason: health. This doesn’t make it easier, it feels like more pressure….

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Cleves approaches

I was going to do a lot of machine sewing to get her ready for Coronation so I instead took the time I had to sew by hand. Some of it went really welll, some like the haube is fiddly because the accessories are just not the way we are used to. I need to…

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Cleves updates

Firstly some headgear progress 🙂 Becase my pearlwork is so dimensional I need a flat brocade front, and then am able to have a flat but slightly more texture brocade for the haub. Then we have the brocade for the collar and neckline. Yep, pressed the brocade into a curve! Ditto for the piece above…

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Anne of Cleves back on track :)

I finally bit the bullet and am going to have my own Fealty Chain for the SCA 🙂 I have several enameled medallions on the way to mix in with my hand wired roundels already shared. These are going to be used to make a full set of neckline jewelery as per the Bruyn and…

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further to hemming freedom

So I have been thinking a lot about order of sewing, technologies, and workshop roles a lot. I just have forgotten to apply it to my own work and finally made that connection 🙂 I keep stalling hemming because I want it to go fast, it hurts physically so I use long needles so I…

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sewing day

I wound up breaking out the overlocker all day instead of working on horns. Which was probably wise. The rain is still leaving everything damp so curing would be risky. So I zipped around the edges of my Worth sunburst skirt (the satin is so perfectly buttery that it was just nice to do!) and…

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big day

Finally have my studio feeling spacious. There has been a lot of digging through stash to divest the burden, still lots more to go and we have so much old furniture to get rid of too. Anyway. Today I cut and pressed all the gold trim of the saree. Well now gold. I used RIT…

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very down

Not sure if fatigue is worse this year or what, but today has been spent trying to be at least upright and it has felt like a struggle all day, and that is after a day sleep that usually does help. But we did have “not a storm really” last night which brought down this…

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cleves is sort of on track

I woke early and put Pride and Prejudice on and sewed. And sewed. Backtracking a few days: My support bodice has been theorised and made. Basically I went this area has both Dutch and German influences and I really don’t want another sidelacing support so what if…?” The shoulder is cut separately like in Alcega…

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