by admin, December 22, 2014

Whoops ahead of myself, first pic was finding where I left off 🙂
Now thread emerges out of skirt layer one sequin width to the left, pick up bodice fabric one sequin to the right. The natural twist and resistance of the thread means this is not a messy as it sounds.
Gutermann quilting cotton colour 6217.



by admin, December 11, 2014

Yep, have to hike it up a little each hip. The skirt position is good i just need to baste the waistline higher- you may be able to see the dark stitch line.


    • MUTIVE


    • December 12, 2014

    Oh, wow. That is looking phenomenal. (And I love all the glitter.)

      • ADMIN


      • December 22, 2014

      Thank you 🙂 it has just a nice amount of shine with the tulle 🙂 Very Galinda=ish 🙂 Now that i s a costume I wish I was able to hand bead. I started but had to give up. The first scatter of sequins on the smalest petal seized up my wrist. And it’s the kid of seizing that is double bad in RA.



by admin, December 10, 2014

I have taken the bodice shell off and so have repinned the skirt ready for some tacking stitches down the vertical seams and the hems. So far I have zig zagged the hems with an inch gap. This is to allow me to turn them in and hand stitch in place. I’ll o a ladder stitchthen another stay stitch an inch above. I need to try the bodice on again but I can’t face the spanx nor the weight of the dress right now. I should be able to at least sew the bodice in places and so be able to clip the extra skirt length off the top. Also with the inflamation in my gut but also the um.. lack of solid food for a week I am really not the shape I was a few days ago even so I do not want to fit right now either.

The bodice shell has been taken in properly ready for the seam allowance to be clipped off and the edges flipped open and tacked to each side. Tiny seam allowances tiny tiny to avoid bulk.

I also got a pattern made of the bodice shell 🙂 It’ll be accurate for the tulle but I’ll also grab the mock up to get the pattern for a plain fabric.

I also cut an extra layer for the shirt, so that’s being repinned and reshaped- the second layer will go underbust and is used to stabilise the body. I want the neckline and sleeves to be sheer and soft.

The bust enhancer is lovely in the bodice. I’ll do a page on them later. Basically small busts are not easier to deal with for self supporting bodices, they just require different engineering 😉 So my bodice support lining looks feather light except for the padding! At least, I should say not easier when you are trying to achieve a specific look.

So, still a bit to go but I can do a seam a day if need be :0 FAR FAR AWAY BIRTHDAY!!!! WOOOOT!!!!



by admin, December 7, 2014

Not totally! But with the repeated delay in being able to handle wearing a costume I have undone some of the work I already did. Now I can implement my plans for the bodice and sleeves and all the rest 🙂 So I’ll be taking the shell bodice off and getting photos of the very well supported inner piece (with bust enhancers and every thing).

Right now though it feels like a norovirus mixed with flu, so totally not feeling any desire to get dressed in anything other than singlet and yoga pants right now! Probably won’t until well in to the new year unfortunately. It does mean the antibodies are working- they knock out a specific set of B cells so not only is there a reduction of protection against certain bugs but also that current attack is leading to massive cell death which means lots of nasty waste making me feel sick without being sick.. or maybe.. anyway.

Time for some paracetamol, metamide, and an ice pack for my head.



by admin, November 26, 2014

I am covered in them. well the carpet is 🙂 My new Elsa fabric arrived and it will work exactly how I want it 🙂 So long as I can dye it 🙂 But I get to do that tomorrow 🙂

I am seriously, seriously liking having something so nice to work on 🙂 Don’t get me wrong. I loooove my Maleficent. I love my Shae, I love my Regina. I love my Jedi, and MINA!!! But frankly only a few grown up fellow geeks appreciate them- on any level.

I am being a bit selfish in that I really want to just have some fun and happy moments associated with costuming 🙂 I feel so on the outside of things. My femshep? Blood Drgaon armour. Which not many people recognise. Not even with Mr Boo! But kids loooved the giant Black Widow prop! So…

But really seeing kids just speechless with delight with my stunt Elsa? That was magical, for all of us. I’d like to feel like I deserve that response, hence the efforts in dying and cutting sequins and fabric. And frankly I have fewer pretty costumes than I am assumed to have 🙂


That said, pain, lots of pain. Though I am confirmed for my next set of infusions 🙂 I probably could have done with them earlier, basically the medical system really is more reactive than proactive.