Not a total redo but as it’ll be a while before I can replace the wig I decided to store it nicely which meant I undid the work of yesterday and got photos of this and redoing it. No photos of it on me as I am still bleary and really not a fan of all the downlighting everywhere atm π However new desk makes for a good light bouncer so hooray for reasonable photos!
ELsa wig as she was after a full day wear including in the car and the wind tunnel!

You can see how matted the underside got!
So I started by unravelling the ends and brushing them out as I went. You can see how the two wigs are not perfectly matched at all but by mixing in sections as I went they wre far more subtle. Also very crunchy! Β Yay for acrylic wig toning but boo for needing high intensity conditioning to counter it.

Here you can see how the second wig was simply pinned (pinned not hair pinned) in the crown and the main wig styled over it:

The second wig was simply cut in to a D shape and folded in on itself.

To restyle I sectioned the main wig in to four main sections:
The top where the French Braid started, then the sides which covered the second wig for the French part of the braid π and then the middle bottom section which would fill the tail part of the braid.

The side sections where then divided in to five smaller sections for each step of the French Braid (one side only here) and brushed relatively smooth before being twisted:

I then pinned the second wig in place and started sectioning it to match the first wig.

I had to let all the sections loose to be able to hand braid these. Luckily the twisting kept the sections fairly free from each other. I did braid the top section simply to manage these pieces while trying to take photos!

The top section barely starts the braiding before the side and second wig sections start being worked in.

Sorry for the sudden jump to a nearly completed braid! These are difficult to hold and gets photos and remember which section is the top most while working with so many different components.

Once the side sections were all in I braided the length to keep it manageable while dealing with the last of the tail sections (the middle bottom of each wig). So I divided these remaining sections into three equal parts and then brushed them and then undid the temporary braid and brushed that.

Et voila, a restyled Elsa wig to keep nice and tidy until I find a softer option π

Main wig is “Kim” from Sepia in 613 (pale blonde) and secondary wig is just a standard halloween wig ($NZ5) in a slightly pinker tone. Acrylic paint mixed with methylated spirits for a fast drying dye bath (ie denatured ethanol not actually any methanol at all due to health laws in NZ).