Femshep leather tooling 🙂
I managed to cut my basket up to make a texture tool. Woo! My rotary tool cut well but sparks! And…
Femshep leather tooling 🙂
I managed to cut my basket up to make a texture tool. Woo! My rotary tool cut well but sparks! And…
Femshep leather tooling 🙂
I managed to cut my basket up to make a texture tool. Woo! My rotary tool cut well but sparks! And…
Well the zip needs reinstalling as it is currently pulling the bodyseam out of alignment. And I really did wildly overestimate how much extra ease this fabric would need. So tomorrow I have get to take all the seams in by one full overlock width. My…
So, aside from not being able to play ME on my computer (I should be able to get it to work on a Win7 OS as all the guides are for that…*) today has been good. I am going to be able to focus on Nyreen and my Lizzie Shep Blood Dragon again
Yes, I was so…
So, aside from not being able to play ME on my computer (I should be able to get it to work on a Win7 OS as all the guides are for that…*) today has been good. I am going to be able to focus on Nyreen and my Lizzie Shep Blood Dragon again
Yes, I was so…
So, aside from not being able to play ME on my computer (I should be able to get it to work on a Win7 OS as all the guides are for that…*) today has been good. I am going to be able to focus on Nyreen and my Lizzie Shep Blood Dragon again
Yes, I was so…
I walked to the mall today as part of my recovery I need to get my aerobic activity up- so I sing as a walk. Freaking hard when you jump from belting (Aida and Wicked) to legit (The Lowest Trees Have Tops and Think of Me). And I was thinking how sad it was I still hadn’t finished my Think of me Gown (I brought parts indoors to hand sew at night but it proved too much) and how really all that was stopping me was enthusiasm and good ropes in the skirt.
The Aussie ropes I believe are made the same way as the US but do not have the fabric painted ends. They also have red, green and black ropes- the black divides the red and green and so they don’t perfectly follow the bodice panels- not over time with wearing by different casts now anyway!) And I was simply unable to find a suitable green velvet anywhere. Nor red for that matter. The red and green in my bodice are particularldeep shades and I was only finding mid greens and warm reds.
Until today. Found a perfect berry red and decided what the heck I can always overdye (idey-Poly ftw) the green to match. But no. On the other side of the shop was the matching dark green. Slightly more vibrant than expected but a nice dark colour.
So 3m of each (sadly it’s not quite long enough to get two ropes per width) but it curls beautifully. ANd was only $NZ8/m. So I iwll have a heap left over to do.. somehting eith. Maybe I’ll cut the length first so I can offer the rest to anyone who wants to join in on the gaudy silly fun! I don’t even care if the bodices aren’t accurate and are made from existing patterns. I want a bevy of Hannibal ballerinas!
Anyway. So while the cutting will be monotonous I am going to try and do them all at once and then go mad making them in to tubes! So I may see what I can do about dividing work space in to splashy splashy latex and resin and paint and a totally separate area as delicate princess in GOLD and GREEN and RED
I walked to the mall today as part of my recovery I need to get my aerobic activity up- so I sing as a walk. Freaking hard when you jump from belting (Aida and Wicked) to legit (The Lowest Trees Have Tops and Think of Me). And I was thinking how sad it…
Or at least it feels like it. I am still rehabilitating my body after the last six months of inactivity due to the sinus infection. I am not sure if I have cleared it but I am able to sit up, look at a monitor for more than five minutes. Except today. Today I am zombiefied because of the two steps forward one step back pattern I am currently in.
But I have had a chance to clear out several projects I felt hampered by, knowing I would never finish them or lost the desire to finish and so felt a bit disloyal to part with them.
This has left me with a much more manageable pile of stash fabrics and in progress costumes. I am also going to clear out some more. I really do not “need” everything. I like having a rnage of costumes but I am at the point where I have so many to choose from I feel held down by the weight of them as well.
So this year I have decided to make a final list of Must Do/Finish?repair and they should fill the next five years nicely.
1) Think of Me Gown, the full kit from slave girl through to dressing gown. I have the dressing gown, pointe shoes (I want to soften them a little more to be able to wear them and strengthen my ankles back to the state they were when I first bought them) and most of the fabrics and trim to make the overgown.
Aim to finish this year for Auckland Armageddon.
2) Cleves gown overhaul. The gown was decimated by the dry cleaners so I have totally recut a new shell of maroon faille (perfect for a Cercei gown if I can bare to face that embroidery) and black silk duchesse satin. The bodice is still the came canvas and I will be able to line the sleeves in vintage bordering on antique tube rat. I never use new fur, and tend to buy seconds or recycled animal products and I hate the smell of tanned skin but for this gown I really do aim to make it as accurate in materials as I can.
Aim for possibly next year? Would love to get her finished for the Bloth/Baronial Anniversary but I really am having a very slow recovered back to good health and this is a project that will require a lot of handsewing.
3) Worth Sunburst gown. If I culd get this finished I would get my butt to the Oamaru Hertiage festival. If not I’m going to Howick and posing the plce up due to the beautiful atmostpheric lighting. This has a tablier of cutwork and beading. I am going for a blend of the two variations so I can use glass pearls for the clouds. The Met clouds are formed from cut glass beads. The Kyoto gown though is pink. So Met base colours and trim and shape, Kyoto beading. On hold for about 6 years. Time to actually transfer the pattern (currently on paper ready to pin and machine the pattern in place- I plan on machining the pattern to really stabilise the cut work) and then repair my stand up frame and get beading.
4) Silly spanish. This is actually the most doable as the linen thread to hold the trim is easy on my hands once waxed properly.
Again I’d love to get this done for BA, but I may wait until I have a Kingdom level event I can attend.
5) Nyreen. Luckily the pattern for the fabric parts are done. I have fabric I can use for the bodysuit but I may invest in a new can for my airbrush and airbrush the pattern to the bodysuit fabric. Then it’s a case of adapting footwear and making armour from foam- not fibreglass or leather!) simply because this is the first costume where I feel it an appropriate material that I have done.
Love to be done by WellyGeddon if I can.
6) Mon Mothma. I keep pushing this back but she is going to be a nice simple costume to wear even if no one recognises her. I just need to remold the brooches as the last set tore. I am avoiding epoxy though so this may take a while just to make sure I don’t trigger a big allergic reaction. I have some molds and costume pieces to repair so will save it all up for them.
7)c1600s Cleves style. So far just a swingy coat half made. All hand sewn though and fully lined so I have a reason for it to be held off 😉
8) super fine ruff and partlet. A hem of less and 2mm is still tough on my hands, but while my eyes are still good I’d like to attempt it!
9) Wedding Dress from Phantom. I have most pieces and have managed to salvage much of my original piece. I aim to make it hook up the front as per the very original and take elements from favourite versions from around the world. Including the super amazing bow trails from the Japanese production.
10) MLP inspired costume. Fluttershy is my totem (her reticence, surprising amount of understanding of things people assume she is ignorant of and her few glimpses of rage).
11) repair Shae, Talon and Shaak Ti, as well as redo the Mina bodice.
I also have my Tissot inspired dress to repair and the Green Spring dress to decide to finish or not. Both mid 1870s.
Elissa gown from 2003 (first five photos) to 2009 (next three photos) to 2013 (last photo).
The bodice is the same. The skirt drapery is part of a saree I totally cut up and spent hours making appliques from each and every paisley shape. All those trails of sequins were also pulled apart for extra sequin usage. I may still get working on another set of decorations (black and gold panels) as I want more flow from bodice to skirt.
I am not sure where the photos of the ridiculous net underskirt are. It packs down really well. Sadly the rope skirt and skirt parts do not. Sigh. I have checked. It is nearly my entire suitcase. Otherwise I’d have madly finished this for Dragon*Con. Sadly, no more D*C for me. That really was the grand effort of many people and I can’t ask that again. I can dream though 🙂