Elissa gown photos

Elissa gown from 2003 (first five photos) to 2009 (next three photos) to 2013 (last photo).

The bodice is the same. The skirt drapery is part of a saree I totally cut up and spent hours making appliques from each and every paisley shape. All those trails of sequins were also pulled apart for extra sequin usage. I may still get working on another set of decorations (black and gold panels) as I want more flow from bodice to skirt.

I am not sure where the photos of the ridiculous net underskirt are. It packs down really well. Sadly the rope skirt and skirt parts do not. Sigh. I have checked. It is nearly my entire suitcase. Otherwise I’d have madly finished this for Dragon*Con. Sadly, no more D*C for me. That really was the grand effort of many people and I can’t ask that again. I can dream though 🙂