website updates

Oh thank goodness! Last night I was updating my theme (to prevent too many thumbnails being generated when I upload media from an old backup- it’s just easier to import them all) my browser hung. Then I got a 524 error.

uh oh, I thought. As a database error it was likely to be a plugin stuck on a loop… but no. It was my hosts. I just happened to be on he server that needed maintenance last night.

I need a super easy app on my comp to convert US time zones. I am 21 hours ahead of the time zone quoted in the update, but it’s not the same time zone as my server.

Anyway. I was also trying to make tags easier to spot in my theme, but the real problem is that WP doesn’t give you all your tags, just “most used”. I really need to make all my posts about “hisoric guides” easier to find as they are all the pattern drafting and draping systems I use and regularly share with others. It will mean putting them in a category now that I’m using them more.


I have been working on my Cleves gown 🙂 And My stickelchen is nearly finished 🙂 The leaves and pearls are all back in place and I ust need to make the wee body for Mr Boo in the middle 🙂

Also I need to punch some more holes in more leaves as I really do need the front decoration to be “I AM NOT A LAUREL” laurel wreath 🙂 Because it’s just silly. Look if you let me use a hearlic device on my goods I’m gonna do it. And push it

Sumptuary laws baby, they are part of history. My Cleves gowns look like they may be sumptuary laws in effect. Which is just very cool. I have some laws hoarded in my files (not easy to read) so want to go through them but some aspects are very obviousgoing by art.


cutting systems and machines

Hold the phone and shut the door!!!!
Cutting a Fashionable Fit: Dressmakers’ Drafting Systems in the United States
Kidwell, Claudia B.
Date: 1979


This book!!! I have had very old very worn photocopies of this book since I was at university and it’s here! In full! In high res and low res!!!! Get it now, seriously if you have any interest in costuming this is a must have!

I cannot believe it’s genuinely distributed, the pdf turned up in a google search so I tracked back to the full credit and OMG!


So I was looking in general for cutting systems as I love them. They give a much better insight into how different eras accomodated different body shapes than anything else. Drafting books are good but these show the impact of changing a measure on other points of measure.

And now there is another book I’d love to track down:
The Female Economy: The Millinery and Dressmaking Trades, 1860-1930
Wendy Gamber
University of Illinois Press, 1997 – Business & Economics – 300 pages

This is a very different take on the effect these systems had on those working in garment making. In truth it’s the same sort of reasoning behind tailor’s manuals being restricted initially, or throughout, I haven’t read all manuals just many!

It includes pages of cutting machines at a size it would be possible to recreate.
The Maude Russell system of garment cutting; text book ..
by Russell, Maude (Westerman), Mrs., 1885- [from old catalog]
Published 1917
I love these! Currently hunting down older versions as they are more helpful for me as someone doing earlier work, but these kinds of adjustable templates are reasonably common. But this is very nice because it may be possible to print out your own and transfer to card.


Also of interest is this book from the 1870s
Guide to dressmaking
by Symonds, J. Henry, pub. [from old catalog]
Published 1876
Topics Dressmaking, Garment cutting. [from old catalog]

This does feel like a reprint, but the details on trimmings and stitching and assembly is exactly what I really want. I mean in conjunction with a fitting system! This really is an incredibly good guide and it’s free!
The National garment cutter
by Goldsberry, Doran & Nelson. [from old catalog]
Published 1884
The national garment cutter book of diagrams. Goldsberry & Doran, proprietors ..
by Goldsberry & Doran, Chicago. [from old catalog]
Published 1888
Topics Garment cutting. [from old catalog], Dressmaking

Two editions by the same company. Very easy to understand and each includes a yoked kilted (pleated) skirt of the kind worn in Bram SToker’s Dracula, and seen in Patterns of Fashion 2. I use the principle a heck of a lot in my skirts to allow for an agressive or subtle train.


Perhaps the most recognised drafting machine is the McDowell.
Publication number US342216 A
Publication type Grant
Publication date 18 May 1886
Filing date 30 Jul 1885
Inventors Albert Mcdowell


Anyway, I am now happily thinking of ways to recreate these in a stable material.

corsetry- how to guides in periodicals

While trying to help another costumer I decided to totally test and challenge what I thought I knew about historic corset construction.

I have about 17 years worth of images stashed from auctions and online galleries as well as have pages from books on theory. I have a great handle on pre-industrial stays and post 1900 stays but the actual assembly of 19thC corsets has been frustratingly difficult to get a handle on.  Most corsets are displayed on a stand and many interior images are not illustrative of construction more concerned with makers marks.

So I started looking for museum examples and textile curator comment. Side note- blue satin was big for the 1870s!

Blue corset, c. 1868-1874

  FIDM to the rescue!

From here I hunted for these precious instructions, and HEARTH came to the rescue! Title: Harper’s bazaar: Volume II, Number 41
Publication Info: Ithaca, New York: Cornell University, Mann Library
Series: Browse the rest of the issues of this journal: Harper’s bazaar
Print source: New York: Hearst Corp., October 9, 1869   PLEASE NOTE: Harper’s Bazar is the correct spelling at this time, but often sites will use the more recent variation. If you are having trouble finding either sales of the original magazines or articles try searching for both.

  (The thumbnail links to the individual page)   Right, so handy written instructions! But oh, there are patterns for all of these! In a supplement. Most annual bound volumes do not retain these, however one person did offer the full magazine for sale a while ago.  

Free Shipping** Harper’s Bazar Harper’s Bazaar Complete Magazine With Corset PATTERN SHEETS Oct 1869 Original Re-enactment Costume History.   So close! I hunted antiquarian sites, and other online archives with no luck. From here however I was reminded that Harper’s Bazar was basically a reprint in English of Der Bazar. Which gave me some more search options!   Friday, May 03, 2013
Making a Fichu-Collar: Tutorial for a Useful Early Bustle-Era Whatsit

The Inspiration Fichu-Collar from Der Bazar

Let’s dig into the version that made it onto my dress. The basic design comes from Der Bazar, the German magazine from which Harper’s obtained a good bit of its content, in the January 9, 1871 issue. Yes, much of my research dates from 1871, or from 1868-1869.

Ding ding ding!!!   However from this point I have run into a Pinterest Go Round. I found a pinner who seems to have uploaded scans directly. However there are at least two different sources of the patterns, one where the overlapping lines have been highlighted, clearly multiple views stitched together a lot of work to disregard, the other looks like a scan of aged paper.   So I have tried to find an academic source and have managed to find the current stable Digital collection in Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf

Der Bazar : illustrirte Damen-Zeitung. Berlin : Bazar-A.G., Jg. [1.]1855 – [5.]1859 = Bd. 1-15; Jg. 6.1860 – 83.1937[?]

And here is the corresponding page from der Bazar!Der Bazar › XV. Jahrgang. 1869. › Nr. 37. Unfortunately no supplement for this one however there are extra materials listed in an old version of this site.  

    I have been able to compare the digital effects of the patterns on pinterest and I think I can work my way through the university files to find the ones that were printed in page at least. I suspect there are some scans of the tissue supplements that may be down to individual owners of copies of the magazine.   While I have saved these scans for personal use I am putting in every effort to credit those who have done the actual scanning and preserving of these documents. Once I have this I will update with a part two of this post.       (Side note, instructions on drafting and assembling an 1869 bodice!)

The Dressmaker’s Handbook of Couture Sewing Techniques

Dressmaker’s Handbook of Couture Sewing Techniques

Author: Lynda Maynard
Publisher: London : A & C Black, 2010.
Edition/Format: eBook : Document : EnglishView all editions and formats
Database: WorldCat

I am an experienced dressmaker and while I can read books even from the 16th century with ease I occasionally do much prefer to be able to look and know exactly what the author intended.
This book does exactly that.
The text is well laid out with a lot of space to separate ideas, but the photographic illustrations really make this book outstanding. There is a clever use of contrasting colours used for shell, lining, stitches, and even zips/binding that make it easy to follow from section to section.
I do recommend this book to a beginner and advanced maker alike. This book is also of a good size for setting out on a table to follow along or to read alone.

Instruction book for the standard tailor system .. (1896)

Instruction book for the standard tailor system .. (1896)

Author: Evan, H. P., co., Chicago. [from old catalog]
Subject: Dressmaking; Garment cutting. [from old catalog]
Publisher: Chicago, Ill., H. P. Evan co.
Possible copyright status: The Library of Congress is unaware of any copyright restrictions for this item.
Language: English
Call number: 5881277
Digitizing sponsor: The Library of Congress
Book contributor: The Library of Congress
Collection: library_of_congress; americana
Full catalog record: MARCXML

Another pattern book- more patterns less detail on how to make them. But a lovely range of patterns for the family (no tailoring.)

Streiff’s system of garment cutting (1913)

Streiff’s system of garment cutting (1913)

Author: Streiff, Eugene Lawrence, 1866- [from old catalog]
Subject: Tailoring
Publisher: Detroit, Mich. [Printed by A. W. Brookes]
Possible copyright status: The Library of Congress is unaware of any copyright restrictions for this item.
Language: English
Call number: 10107813
Digitizing sponsor: Sloan Foundation
Book contributor: The Library of Congress
Collection: library_of_congress; americana
Full catalog record: MARCXML

Male and female garments, shorter with more direct patterns with less text on fitting.

Twentieth century instruction book; artistic ladies’ tailor system (1902)

Twentieth century instruction book; artistic ladies’ tailor system (1902)

Author: Vienna ladies’ tailoring institute, New York. [from old catalog]
Subject: Dressmaking. [from old catalog]; Garment cutting. [from old catalog]
Publisher: New York, Vienna ladies’ tailoring institute
Possible copyright status: The Library of Congress is unaware of any copyright restrictions for this item.
Language: English
Call number: 7753660
Digitizing sponsor: Sloan Foundation
Book contributor: The Library of Congress
Collection: library_of_congress; americana
Notes: no page numbers
Full catalog record: MARCXML

Ooooh, saving this one! Detailed text on the side of each pattern step and a few adverts. Definitely recommended!

The practical sketcher; a complete and practical method of sketching, for women’s, misses’, junior’s, children’s and infant’s garments (1915)

The practical sketcher; a complete and practical method of sketching, for women’s, misses’, junior’s, children’s and infant’s garments (1915)

Author: Rosenfeld, Isidor, 1881- [from old catalog]
Subject: Dressmaking. [from old catalog]
Publisher: New York, The Leading pattern co.
Possible copyright status: The Library of Congress is unaware of any copyright restrictions for this item.
Language: English
Call number: 6366445
Digitizing sponsor: Sloan Foundation
Book contributor: The Library of Congress
Collection: library_of_congress; americana
Full catalog record: MARCXML

How to create those sketches used in pattern drafting systems!

The Maude Russell system of garment cutting; text book .. (1917)

The Maude Russell system of garment cutting; text book .. (1917)

Author: Russell, Maude (Westerman), Mrs., 1885- [from old catalog]
Subject: Garment cutting. [from old catalog]
Publisher: Oklahoma City, Okla., Maude Russell garment cutting co.
Possible copyright status: The Library of Congress is unaware of any copyright restrictions for this item.
Language: English
Call number: 9649190
Digitizing sponsor: Sloan Foundation
Book contributor: The Library of Congress
Collection: library_of_congress; americana
Full catalog record: MARCXML

Woo! An actual system with tools and all! The tools are not included but it should be possible to scale up to full size and make some from firm card. Project for summer???

The Holmes cutter. A practical system for garment cutting that is based on selfvarying principles for block patterns .. (1894)

The Holmes cutter. A practical system for garment cutting that is based on selfvarying principles for block patterns .. (1894)

Author: Holmes, Nelson. [from old catalog]
Subject: Tailoring
Publisher: [Chicago?]
Year: 1894
Possible copyright status: The Library of Congress is unaware of any copyright restrictions for this item.
Language: English
Call number: 8218422
Digitizing sponsor: The Library of Congress
Book contributor: The Library of Congress
Collection: library_of_congress; americana
Full catalog record: MARCXML

Oooh, very nice, tailor garments for men and women. Laid in landscape so very practical!