Ahsoka progress

Thank goodness! I took the day to redo the montral and front lekku for a nice clean line. It’s worked which is nice πŸ™‚ I was thinking about taking a break from the costume because of them but I think it’s going to work out.

But yay. It’s also inspiring me to work on other scifi type gear πŸ™‚

Including Maleficent πŸ™‚ I’ll need to work with her under better lighting to get a good scan- the ends keep being missed in the IR camera. I may be able to heat up some paler clay to see if that helps.Ditto putting lines on. I’ll see how I go today and tomorrow. But latexing is my main task for the next few days. I say days as the weather is not yet warm enough to cure quickly so I have to cure smart. So no putting the stand outside where it can blow over (had that) and where I can’t prod at it make the support collapse (done that!).

Hmm I may need to quickly put some extra support underneath. Fingers crossed.

Yes. I also need to get some pigment into a container to mix into her colour too. BTW her pantone swatches do not match the final result, so it’s going to be interesting!

It took all day

But I am nearly back to where I was. I decided that I was too annoyed by the short back lekku to be happy. Side track to making a new stand for sculpting and I now have wiggly lekku- one attached two on the floor.


And so much mess.


So much.


But the back lekku has a layer of latex, there is latex grouting on the new montral seams (actually an older cast that was still in pieces) and I also templated a headband for her.

time to latex

I had a good start yesterday. Having experiemtned with many tools now I will be able to do a poper tutorial on making best use of latex under different circumstances.

I’ve used filler, paints, brushes of all kinds, and now it’s finally paying off. My lekku are looking good and my montral can be trimmed down today πŸ™‚ I tried to get video of the trimming process but had instagram fail. so to the camera and tripod!

I can also get some photos the laying up in progress πŸ™‚

Ahsoka lekku patterning

I’ve done this before, so thought I’d capture it for posterity πŸ˜‰

I printed the concept art at full scale. What is helpful with these is the flat back. SO we can use the profile as the very first piece to cut.


This is then taped perpendicularly to card that will form the back. Once the frame is taped then it’s time to try for shaping the back. This is done by eye which can be a bit off.

To create the sides tape the frame to paper and cut radiating strips out. These offer something for tape to adhere to.


Then these are cut apart and transfered to card for more careful shaping. Keeping the profile shape helps keep this stable as well.

Once taped to the form it is possible to see where shaping needs to happed. As this is a template it’s possible to only alter one side.

Here only the left has been altered.

The top seam also can be adjusted. And the entire pice taken off the form.

I have used a similar method previously for my Ahsara Zavros ensemble:

I used sheer pantihose to smooth the foam. Urethane foam is lovely and squishy but is fragile. The material also allows minimal seepage of latex into the foam to help keep them fairly soft.

Latex shrinks as it cures to the thinner the layer the better.

This is also how I make all my Twi’lek lekku- skinned foam Β πŸ™‚ It takes patience. latex cures very fast in thin layers.

Ahsoka plans

This is where I left her Montral. The lekku are the next on the agenda.


I have a cunning plan, but I have managed to move and misplace or actually corretly store so many costume elements this year that I am not sure where all my lekku making materials are.

Sadly probably no pictures while I actually do the work. Latex all over the place and latex cures super fast when in thin layers so it’s easy to lift finger prints or grab fibres from anything if I am not careful πŸ™‚ But it’ll be much the same way I worked on all my lekku.

So that is the plan for tomorrow- work out the lekku proportions and start marking the montral for seamlines with the lekku- I hope to hide the seam in the paint.



So I am happy with my tats, to the point I’m going to create another three sheets of the connecting pieces I avoided so as to make it easier. So the side front belly and back of arms will get their coverage.

They are mostly my work. The specific idiosyncracities of line width and end points are mine for sure. But I did use some tracing of Jan’s art to get there πŸ˜‰ Also they scaled down a little further due to the PDF format (I was using a 97% print of my last tats and then they scaled back 97% again. The chest and belly tats are fine, as are the main back pieces but the thigh and arms need to be a little bigger.

Also note i did not get a chance to polish my armour, But I did give it all a slight gold wash. Why? My saber hilt is a mix of gold and silver to break up the tone. And it works well for the armour too. Also note my armour is black on silver (ie my cut marks show the metal underneath not black cuts on silver) so as to better mimic the artwork.

Holy crap, woman, your costuming just blows me away. Β And you are freaking gorgeous.

Thank you πŸ™‚ I think I forgot to mention I did in fact paint myself entirely this time. Ditto with the tattoos.

Very bendy πŸ˜‰

But also the alcohol to dissolve the paint makes the paint dry fast enough that you can πŸ™‚ While reaching around to paint between the shoulder blades you can disturb paint around the chest and armpit so luckily this stuff dries so quickly you can feel when you are able to go over an old spot or new πŸ™‚

Also two specific brush types used in two specific ways (or three…) and being very familiar with the viscosities needed for painting the face vs body, first layer vs last.

Also no sponges with this stuff except to make dappled effects! Best of all is an airgun but I don’t have one (yet) and it does mean a lot of alcohol in the air. I did the lekku patterns this way. Whee, the air was alcoholic for days in my workroom!

Also so much glue! Literally used a detail house-paint paint brush to glue the prosthetic to my forehead and the gloves and boots to my legs. Also bikini to body. So looking forward to the upgrades! I just need some leather dye and then I can sacrifice some leather hoarded away for years for a project that won’t happen. Then some more (recycled skirt ditto for a project I have passed on) to make a new bikini. I’d prefer to mold vegetanned leather but I don’t think I’d be physically able to pull it in to shape any more.

And hello to you over here from LJ-land πŸ™‚

They are red! First flat brush then airbrush. I am so getting another at some stage with the ability to hold more paint but wow, such a difference! Luckily the can is twice as long lasting as last time as I was able to paint a fair bit and there is still heaps of propellent. But I do want a mini compressor.

Also yes, there is a missing patch but thatwill be painted solid black so it’s pointless to waste expensive ink on that! I used Latona’s as it is a little more durable on latex and will quite probably be airbrushing the tattoos on this time. I just need to cut my stensils. Not looking forward to it as the lekku curves make things not sit properly πŸ˜‰ Or I could just do the sticky foam and hope I only lift off the paint underneath and not pull it all off.

Also, camera died when I took a photo this morning of paint in progress with all the talc everywhere πŸ™‚Β 

Yes those red drops on the carpet are the main reason why I want a contained ink holder….

Well, blech..

From too damp to too warm I let the workroom get too warm so I’ll need to do a bit more tidying of the lekku. I really wanted them done before Hamilton armageddon but hey.

I copied the lekku patterns to paper and then again to more paper to be able to print them off to keep in storage. I may have just enough foam to be able to make flexible stencils, or I could cut out the shapes and stick them on and trace around which would be easier if I can get them drawn in before the red and not have the alcohol wipe them away… well…

So I’ll take the patterns with me as I’m not going to be busy at all ‘eh?

Well, blech..

From too damp to too warm I let the workroom get too warm so I’ll need to do a bit more tidying of the lekku. I really wanted them done before Hamilton armageddon but hey.

I copied the lekku patterns to paper and then again to more paper to be able to…

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