Maleficent, new parks costume, maybe….?

Maleficent, new parks costume, maybe….?

Well it was made for the Social Media Moms’ event so it may or may not be permanent.



The gown in action sheds a lot of light on the train of the original. It fits to the back after all unlike her other robes.

(many more, scroll through to see them all)

And even more, scroll backwards for images from the meet and greet.

So from the recreation:

The gown is less full but is made from a knit mounted over a more stable fabric. The sleeves have extra details to reflect the original gown (deep wedges/notches at the hem of the front of the sleeves.

The headdress appears all in one and has more sculptural lines on the leather parts.

The collar sits wider, possibly not hooked to the choker, which is what I suspect may be needed.

The choker has a centre front seam.

The fabric is not purple but the lighting was used to make it so- another nod to the original.

The hem of the gown and the train is not as large as the original. Makes sense having just tried to wrangle the back alone….

There are skirt gores and they are similar to the ones in the Game of Thrones Westeros gowns. But narrower! There is a sculpted detail like a tail that covers the top of the gores and appears to go through in the recreation, it appears flatter in the original so may just be butted.

The back has a spine of some sort. Probably to cover a zipper- a good quality metal zipper as per the burlesque corset reblogged the other day 🙂  I’ll attempt a sculpted urethane piece.

Maleficent References

There are a few costumes in this movie and they all seem to reflect Maleficent’s change from child of nature, to a monstrous (though wrapped very much in humanity) and possibly back again.

My assumed chronology:

Full references: (Furred gown on display) (furred gown on display) (behind the scenes) (behind the scenes) (concept art) (promo images) (US trailer 3) (Japanese 2.02 trailer) (Disney RU trailer)

My screen caps go to my own site, thumbnails of other media go to the source. 


mal3 mal4mal27 mal28

(there is a costume that is only seen in behind the scenes, but it appears to be her above gown an a heavy lined and well worn robe that she wears with her hair loose but the gown harks forward to her possible next costume.

Angelina+Jolie+Angelina+Jolie+Horns+F1wWmo8Q9p7x2 angelina-jolie-maleficent-costume-03

However her very next appearance is a one off where she is deliberately trying to strike fear, and that is the very familiar robes from when she appears to return after being forgotten.

mal2 mal1

mal24 mal23

mal22 mal21

mal20 mal34   mal35


I get the feeling there is some reference to the original Maleficent designs 🙂


She does find baby Aurora and this is potentially one of my favourite of her ensembles. There are more images in publicity stills. But it’s clear she wears this when Aurora is a baby and then to create the wall of thorns.


mal33 mal26 

She watches over Aurora as she grows so these next two outfits show her conversing if not easily at least in the open with her.

Love the velvet tabbard style robe:

mal32 mal25 


Here is a bronze silk gown that harks back to her first colour palette.


mal31 mal30

And finally.. this gown confuses me in terms of time line. This is potentitally the gown Aurora asks is she really is Maleficent but she also appears to meet her fort he first time. But there is a scene where she put Aurora to sleep.

mal19 mal18 mal17 mal16

