it took some cutting back but……


by michaela de bruce, May 21, 2014

I have horns. In fact I am wearing them right now. So light and well balanced! I may just wrap a length of fabric around to get a reasonable selfie.

There is a narrow support but that is just being held in place by a wide strap of elastic looped around my hairline. I need to decide on how I’ll make the join stronger (atm just some araldite) as the support flexes just enough to curve to my head (slightly narrower across the brow than the wig head though everything else is great.

And this is just making me really sure I want to do all the versions of her just to wear these horns.

Warped section and all. That’s about to be fixed anyway 🙂

Maleficent fibreglassing

Maleficent fibreglassing

Sooo, the duo tone blue green doesn’t show up in the photo but it does in reality and I’ll just mix some and coat it tomorrow.

So I put the horns and head in the sink and used hot water to soften them enough to remove from forms.

E voila! Head support, untrimmed horns and staff all ready for the next stage of sticking together and sanding.

See the thin layer on the horns? It’s a bit tricky to do and I’ll probably not do that again. These will get a layer of black latex for the show so I don’t need to try and make some latex sheeting. It’ll stay well until I need to remove it 🙂

So how to stick the horns to the support? No idea just yet! They’ll be trimmed before anything else. And I’ll try and get some foam inside. Still not sure how one of the horns got warped but it must have been during curing as it won’t heat shape out.

Maleficent horn further sculpting

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Really good example of how much extra clay goes on:

On the left is the horn with the added clay on the right has it shaved back again.



Due to the angle of these photos there is more uneveness than there really is! However I have reshaped the horns from being cones into more sabre edged.

sm_DSC_0240 sm_DSC_0241The photos also show some matting work to make it easier to see real shadows. This is basically using two layers of tulle to sweep over the surface. If the clay is too soft (as it was) this friction will lift up any top layers. So have left this for further work later.

I know exactly what silicon brush I need to cut and how to cut it.

But I have a few more videos of the other aspects of sulpting to go- however here is one of me in the way but putting clay on the armature.


The amount of clay in the pot made the base shape of the horns and then I added about that much more and removed it for the current amount 😉

Next series of videos will show how to clean used clay easily. The videos weren’t easy but I should be able to put them together.