IT TOOK SOME CUTTING BACK BUT… by michaela de bruce, May 21, 2014 I have horns. In fact I am wearing them right now. So light and well balanced! I may just wrap a length of fabric around to get a reasonable selfie. There is a narrow support but that is just being held in…
Tag: maleficent horns.
Maleficent fibreglassing
Maleficent fibreglassing May 20, 2014 michaela de bruce Leave a comment Sooo, the duo tone blue green doesn’t show up in the photo but it does in reality and I’ll just mix some and coat it tomorrow. So I put the horns and head in the sink and used hot water to soften them enough…
Maleficent horn further sculpting
Really good example of how much extra clay goes on: On the left is the horn with the added clay on the right has it shaved back again. Due to the angle of these photos there is more uneveness than there really is! However I have reshaped the horns from being cones…