MALEFICENT FABRICS 🙂 by michaela de bruce, July 25, 2014 I remembered O have a lovely crepey fabric in stash 🙂 It’s what I used for my Rachi so I can hopefully make the moors robe and a circle skirt to go with my Rachi robes to make a custom jedi 🙂 Velvet… omnomnomnomnom.  …
Tag: maleficent
Coveralls, finally
Coveralls, finally July 14, 2014 admin So yes, it’s been an interesting few days since I decided absolutely no resin or messy work until I have new coveralls. So do you think any of the automotive or hardware stores have them? No. Don’t be silly. You only need dust or paint (spray, not brush on)…
MALEFICENT NOTES by michaela de bruce, July 13, 2014 Just some sketch notes, I do line art rather than full sketches so as to clearly define seams and edges. Inext stage is to get more specific in terms of exact position. The detail page of the back is for when I see the film again…
I AM GLAM 70S ROCKER by michaela de bruce, July 11, 2014 PVC and feathers! So I need a pair of coveralls desperately. I finally tossed the pair that were basically held together with old resin.
Head cast update
Head cast update I am very slow at this, yay for the fatigue and the pain hitting at different times, anyway: Casts trimmed and prepped for putting together: Cunning use of a foam wig head to make the side match up: Single layer of thick matting around the seam- yep it’s pretty open. The neck…
Even more maelficent references
Even more maelficent references These are all from my insomniac moments so were all over my bookmarks in my netbook. Presskit. Pretty darn amazing. Making of Maleficent presentation. Someone did take notes from this which is how I found it. Updated really quickly though there is not…
Synacthen test, dolls, and now to sleep. Maybe.
Synacthen test, dolls, and now to sleep. Maybe. So Synacthen is an alternative to corticosteroids but that is not what I had the test for. The test is to make sure my own body is producing cortisol after more than a decade on steroids. There are no genuine long terms studies that I know of….
Maleficent progress :)
Maleficent progress 🙂 Firstly going back to the preshow last minute stuff!  Horns: cut to shape then glued in place. You can see the dip on the horn on the right hand side. I do still like this effect but having seen the movie now I don’t need to go mad trying to do…
Quickie update, state of the Elsa, Maleficent and me.
Quickie update, state of the Elsa, Maleficent and me. I need to leave soon to get the final of a three step vaccine. And next week have to go to hospital for a blood test (to make sure my body has not gone a bit skewy with the old cortisol and not producing any) which…
Sigh. Yes, great new sleeping place booboy. June 23, 2014  michaela de bruce 3 Responses to “Sigh.” Kristen / 23 Jun 2014 8:17pm #HAHAHA, cats are half adorable and half asshole. White cats will search out and find the darkest fabrics to lie on. Reply Aimee / 25 Jun 2014 5:40am #Oh cats…