Another few hours work on Nyreen 🙂 I can’t seem to reply to comments so I’ll just add text here 🙂

I’ve been using my compass as a sort of caliper, so working on eye placements and distance from eyes to nose tip and jaw tip. I also used a bend brass strap to get my jaw line. The mask should fit, but I am planning on making it in multiple parts. So once the top of the sculpt has the hills and valleys close to what they are supposed to be I’ll need to cut the piece up and get parts ready for molding. This will happen at night when the clay is cold enough to retain its shape.

So I am going to chat with Garrus a bit on the Normandy to see how the layers work and go from there 🙂 I need to order some latex of course as well. And see what of my fabrics I have that are suitable for her ensemble. Which is very Assassin’s Creed in style which makes me very happy. Space Ninja Alien!

But yes, I am going to have to try and get used to a full face piece. Much of my problem at D*C and Celebration with Liara and Talon was the high humidity factor. When I wear Nyreen I should be in a cooler but more regulated climate 🙂

Because I really can’t resist interesting aliens. Nyreen is still enigmatic but I am really interested in what has been shown about her so far. If she is an uneasy ally of Aria then that already makes for all sorts of possibilities. And biotic? But also hooray for a relatively comfy ensemble because I have very little room for Turian armour….



In Omega, the new downloadable add-on for BioWare’s science fiction role-playing shooter Mass Effect 3, two never before playable characters steal the show.

Sure, Shepard is the main man/woman, but fans will be most interested in the two new party members you get to control.

The first of these is Aria T’Loak, the frowning asari mob boss who, in her view, is the rightful owner of Omega, the space station last seen in Mass Effect 2.

Aria is a powerful biotic – one of the most powerful, BioWare Montreal producer Fabrice Condominas tells Eurogamer. And her abilities, created specifically for her use, reflect that power. Flare is “probably one of the most powerful” biotic explosive attacks in the game and is great for clearing groups of enemies. Lash sends a biotic lash out onto the battlefield, attracting enemies to her and doing heavy damage. Lash is particularly useful against shielded enemies – a single attack can drop a shields in an instant. So powerful is Aria that BioWare had to rebalance the combat gameplay to cope.

But it is the second new party member that will attract the most attention. Her name is Nyreen Kandros, the turian leader of the Talon mercenary group and the first female turian to be seen in the Mass Effect video games.

Nyreen is ex-turian military, but, despite this, she is a biotic (turian military hierarchy prohibits biotic powers). Her powers aren’t as devastating as Aria’s, but she’s still useful in combat. Her Biotic Grenade ability does exactly what it says on the tin, and Biotic Protector raises a magic shield, useful for keeping her alive when the chips are down.


Yupyupyupyupyupyup this is currently keeing me from drilling holes in my face as the world’s slowest sinusitis clears. I get to make a boom stick and hoodie. sso much otential for scaring people at cons.


First look at female turian in ME3 Omega DLC: A couple of screenshots have popped up online today for the multiplatform title, “Mass Effect 3.” The latest images provide a first look at a Female Turian that appears in the upcoming Omega DLC for the role-playing…

Ehem. It should come as no surprise that I now have a new project. This shall be a challenge as I still do not have a head cast and I am extremely claustrophobic. Which makes getting a head cast and wearing full facial prosthetics a challenge.

While fighting severe fatigue and a fair bit of burn out, I am about to go elt some clay to start the base texture. This is going to work best as multiple pieces, again.