busy busy

While putting some more latex on Ahsoka and wetforming the knee cops I got a call to do a photoshoot today. Was able to put it off til tomorrow 🙂 It’s for the Herald article that I did a short interview for 🙂 So I’ve tidied up most of the issues with my frock, just need to whizz the chemise under a sewing machine. Or I can sew by hand for when I do eventually hand finish it. Hmmm…..

I’ve been watching Elementary today to do so and been able to do some back stretches again! Physio for my rib was pretty much to loosen all the muscles that tightened during all the flinching and flu while the break was healing.

I’ve obviously also been very wary of stretching and especially using props due to how I injured my rib in the first place. I’m a bit concerned about bone density as it has been treated before, and has everything to do with medication and disuease full stop.

hoops nearly finished

No real photos for this update but the tape ties are in, and the yoke and side openings have been tidied. I can now wash the things gently without any worry. There are pen marks and large pin pricks to wash out.

I also got progress on my Jubon for my Princess of Cleves ensemble. The braid is now all sewn on the body and sleeves, though I may unpick the lower sides and put the waist braid in pieces as well. It looks amazing on. I will be putting padding in like the extant garments of c1600 have as there are so few good internal photos of women’s doublets from an earlier time.