Useful use of time
I forgot to bring my charger to the hospital so picked one up there (it’s bright green, so my phone looks like a flower 🙂 ) and a pair of scissors.
I had a cunning plan to force myself to sit down and work out the basic element of a new costume obsession. Without scissors this wasn’t going to happen 😉
It did work. But I have not been able to reproduce the results so have to keep the test and try to work it out again. I think I needed to be a bit more careful with proportions. but I thought I had it wrong until I reviewed the reference and realised I was slightly misreading, and I do indeed have it!
I am not sure if I’ll work out a tutorial except by video!
Anyway. My neighbouring infusion patients were curious and I showed them the reference picture and why it’s a puzzle. And so we had a quietly fun little corner. I should add in the ward we are monitored so at times that can be pretty sensitive. So there is a very definite sense of belonging in a way we don’t speak about but rely on.