by michaela de bruce, October 10, 2014

Very lucky the heels were cast in a bone coloured plastic:

So my fibreglassing is fairly straight forward. The shoe base was glad wrapped and taped, the glass can be peeled off tomorrow to shape.


    • MEILIN


    • October 10, 2014

    My goodness, you do go all out. It’s clearly a labor of love. But the quality at the end really shows. 🙂



    • October 11, 2014

    Happy bonus there!!



by michaela de bruce, September 23, 2014

Bluray is out here on Oct 1. Sigh. So my bodysuit and sculpts are on hold until then. I think I do have the seams worked out for the bodysuit and the base shapes of the hip and spine pieces, just not the textures or details.

The hip shapes look smooth in the various captures and VFX, but I don’t fully trust what I have seen before I can watch the scenes in super slow mo at the highest resolution I can.

But I did draw lines and fit a basic bodysuit (precut, hooray! I may do a few more of these!) so I can at least pretty well just go for it.

I also patterned the boot covers.

And found the lime green soft soft soft lederhosen (not kidding, they are leather shorts!) I cut apart years ago. These will be soft enough for the collar but may also be perfect for the headdress. So I cleaned my head cast.

Dribs and drabs, bits and pieces. Trying very hard to not overdo things as my wrists are definitely hot, squishy and painful (do not touch! Yes they are sore to the touch not “just” with movement.) And I did sleep in til midday today and spent nearly all of yesterday and the day before asleep. Fatigue is definitely not relenting, I’m just coralling it in to a different pattern.



by michaela de bruce, September 21, 2014


Sculpting and resculpting. Getting a headstart or creating more work? No idea. Just hoping NZ gets the same release date for the DVD as the rest of the world.
New cheek prosthetics are slightly ott but with the horns being slightly ott this may not be a bad thing.
Okay, in the morning I’ll suck it up and have some steroids seeing as I am supposed to be on them. But I’m blue enough to have difficulty sleeping anyway. Not throwing steroids on that mess of stress hormones.



by michaela de bruce, September 19, 2014

Spotted what look like butt cup seams on Maleficent’s bodysuit. So I’ll definitely have to try and work out how that fits in. But it does possibly mean I found the main seam for the side leading in to the body. Now to hunt back the side back seam, which again I think I spotted the bottom of, as more shaping of the butt.

Now to hunt down the other screen caps which seem to have gone astray….

Didn’t find them made more 🙂 Using them to start sculpting the hip and spine pieces. I can hopefully wait til the Blu Ray for clearer body details.



by michaela de bruce, September 13, 2014

Maleficent’s gown is just not cooperating (chiffon velvet being an ass???????) so it is hanging on the form until it does.

But I was thinking of a livestream tomorrow of sculpting. I may be able to charge and hook up my camera to my big computer for a reasonable option. Unless I can do so google thing with my phone.

So the big one on the form is Vastra.



(scroll down)



(Vastra and Alaya/Rastac)





Videos of demonstrating the real dea


And my own progress on Vastra, Maleficent, and others to help me feel confident in making a full face silicon prosthetic. I’ll need a thicker undeadened layer on the pieces for a bit more stability. And some green pigment. With powder it seems to hold paint better so hopefully… Same routine for mold release for both though.

So, sleep so I can hopefully use this:


Livestreaming of the process. Will focus on cleaning and tidying.And the complete tools I use 🙂

SEPT 14 Silurian tidy up



by michaela de bruce, September 10, 2014

Really?? There are people who enjoy chronic illnesses?

Today Mr Boo(Boo) had some minor surgery. He has growths on his ears and nose (the nose one is the worry) and they have been frozen off. His paw had several cuts on them and there was a small pocket of nasty fluid still that got aspirated. He also got his teeth cleaned and blood tests taken to check on general health.

He has been dopey and smoochy and now dopey and grumpy. But he has pain medication for the next few days as well as antibiotics.

I meanwhile may need more antibiotics. My tonsil are itchy again, my skin is gettig tiny sores all over it and I was unable to wake fully until about 1pm. Been hot and cold all day.

So, once again Mr Boo and I are on antibiotics at the same time.

Oh and I have not heard him…. pass wind.. before. But this time was impressive. Possibly part of the anaesthetic.

Meanwhile my horns look good 🙂 The prosthetics look good, my tabbard looks good. But they all need tweaking and it’s the kind of time consuming tweaking I am just too tired for.So I will have to book in again tomorrow and see if I can get a quick clinic with my GP to get more antibiotics. I’m not impressed by this infection, it’s coincided with a few insect bites and allergic reaction so… not happy Jan!




    • September 10, 2014

    Awe poor kitty, it’s amazing how resilient animal are to health issues, especially cats. He’s is white isnt he? They do tend to get skin cancers more easily than darker colours. My old buy Chino was a pale biscuit colour with a pink nose and ears and he had a problems there. But he carried on regardless. A few times had to stop him sun bathing!