Robe de cour wins!

Over the mantua for the silver fabric I mean :) Still thinking my taffeta will be perfect for one though.
Why? Because even with the huge hoops this is a much more sensible costume for pack down.
The bodice is separate.It can go on a padded hanger or in a…

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I may have “claimed” one silver frock, but there really are so many, and though my previous entry didn’t show it well the Russian silver gowns are amazing! I haven’t even started looking for portraits of silver frocks!
Coronation Dress Of Catherine The Great In The Kremlin Armoury Dresses In The Kremlin Armoury

I’m looking at importing my lj posts over here (fingers crossed! They are all text with no images embedded so it shouldn’t kill my website) but I have also updated my Reiette and random silver frock posts to all have the same tag as here (silver court gown- my Spanish gown is nicknamed Silly Spanish Gown but is tagged spanish, saya and similar).

Also digging through my old links, I have found some interesting techniques 🙂 Like this:


Anyway, I deliberately chose a gown I could change if there was someone who desperately wanted to do that specific one. so let me know and I can find out which one I can swap to 🙂 I do though prefer the crazy flat front of the Swedish gowns over the pleated Russian, which is odd as I usually prefer draping. But seriously look at these beauties up there! Plain silver embroidered with a gold repeat, plain silver with heavy silver foliate ground up design, plain silver with gold ribbon work all over it and I think the very last one is scrolling silver on silver.


I have also linked in posts about Reinette and any other silver or silver and white gown from this time. I felt in love/hate with the Rocket dress when I first read Hollywood and History many decades ago (nice section there actually on Star Wars 😉 ) because I could find them and they are all part of the long history of wanting a Big Ass Silver gown. From the 18thC. I mean the silver tissue gown (1660s) was probably the first gown where I understood what cloth of gold/silver actually meant.. and I just have a thing for silver gowns anyway…


Big Ass Silver Frock

Soooo.. yeah I may have enough for a decent train after all. And I can order articles via ILL if I can remember how to log in to my Library site… I want to compare the Louisa and Sophia gowns. I have a preference for the fan shaped Louisa skirt but the fabric is much closer to Sophia’s gown 🙂 Soo.. I may just get myself ordering a lot of Costume articles….


Annoyed I couldn’t afford the whole roll at the time and the rest was gone by the time I got back. Yep. Another Geoff’s find 🙂

Big Ass Silver Gown

Popped my email to Kendra 🙂 But never fear, there are lots of silver frocks and frankly I’d *love* to see all the bling 🙂 I just dug out my 6m length so I think I’ll have enough for the skirt and train (just got to double check) sadly the prettier gown (Sophia Magdelena) has a train at least 5m long..


So ALL THE SILVER GOWNS!!! I’m doing 1, but it’ll look more like 3 as my silver twill is warm and not patterned at all. I’m sure the Kremlin Armoury had more….


1: Louisa Ulrika’s Coronation Gown 1751 (in Blanche Payne’s History of Costume)

NYCKELORD/TITEL Robe de cour kröningsklänning
NAMN Ägare: Lovisa Ulrika av Sverige
SAMLING Livrustkammaren


2: Sophia Magdelena’s Wedding Gown 1766

KORTBESKRIVNING Kjol till Sofia Magdalenas bröllopsklänning, robe de cour, buren vid bröllopet i Slottskyrkan den 4 november 1766.
NAMN Ägare: Sofia Magdalena av Sverige Tillverkare: Johan Adam Ströwer
ÖVRIGA NYCKELORD Bilägersdräkt Bröllopsklänning Klänning
SAMLING Livrustkammaren


3: Sophia Magdelena’s Coronation Gown 1772:

NYCKELORD/TITEL släp, robe de cour, kröning
KORTBESKRIVNING Släp till kröningsklänning, en s k robe de cour, Sofia Magdalena, 1772.
NAMN Ägare: Sofia Magdalena av Sverige
SAMLING Livrustkammaren



4 Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotta, 1774

NYCKELORD/TITEL släp. bilägersdräkt
NAMN Ägare:Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotta  av Sverige
SAMLING Livrustkammaren



5: Elizaveta Pterovna, 1742, coronation–petrovna/


6: Catherine II, 1770s–ii/


7: Another of Catherine the Great’s: (front left, behind are others already identified)



NYCKELORD/TITEL ärm till robe de cour
DATERING 1750 cirka
SAMLING Livrustkammaren
INVENTARIENUMMER 20781 (06:2057)

5: Fredika’s Wedding gown 1797:

NYCKELORD/TITEL släp brudklänning
KORTBESKRIVNING Släp, drottning Fredrika Dorotea Vilhelminas brudklänning, 1797-10-31.
NAMN Ägare: Fredrika av Sverige
DATERING 1797-10-31
SAMLING Livrustkammaren

6: Fredika’s Coronation gown 1800

NYCKELORD/TITEL kröningssläp
KORTBESKRIVNING Kröningssläp till drottning Fredrikas kröningsdräkt buren vid kröningen i S:t Olaikyrkan den 4 april 1800.
NAMN Ägare: Fredrika av Sverige
DATERING 1800-04-04
SAMLING Livrustkammaren


7: Anna Ioannovna, 1730, coronation

On the court bandwagon…

So yes. Lots of Big Ass silver gowns, so no need to worry if anyone wants to do the same 🙂
So sorry, I’d offer links to the website, but my search foo has failed for the evening and the links are all dead. so the pinterest link will have to do. Seriously droolworthy.
Also, Rocket dress. The Norma Shearer silver gown in the biopic of Marie Antoinette. If my silver fabric was super light and fluffy I’d be all over that.

So hey, You know how I said don’t let me make the Marie Antoinette gown….*

Yeah, so.. umm I have “claimed” Louisa Ulrika’s gown as seen in Blanche Payne’s History of Costume. There are at least three Big Ass Silver gowns in Sweden and I know of at least two in Russia so if anyone wants to do the gown specifically and is going to CoCo I’ll happily keep calling mine just the Big Ass Silver gown.

Mainly because this is a stash project. Huge pile of silly silver twill, not brocade sadly, which has been sitting waiting for a project!

Buuuut…. Any kiwis want to get in on the action? Register above and join in! I reckon if we had enough interest we could organise a Skype Time to party with the princesses overseas. I know it may mean being up at Awful O’Clock but that just means we need to arrange a meet up for those who can and stay up dressed up in the silly.

