IG update- Padme

I don’t want to have to keep changing my sharing settings so rather than add posts here are all my IG updates in one place 🙂


Draping work.

Each pleat/gather has been counted and carefully stitched to stay in place. Even the direction of the knit was carefully full aligned (the hood especially needs this as the front is stitched down to hold a specific curve in the neckline and the front of the hood.

The bodice piecing is to match the original. If you look for those seam lines you’ll find them, but what you may not see is that the hood has to be cropped on one side of the neckline.


The hood is self lined and so once gathered creates so much bulk that overlapping all that fabric would create a a very large bulge. It is possible the overlapping hood piece is also spliced a little to thin it out. I’ve managed though to not nee to do that 🙂

The stamping! This was so scary I nearly didn’t make the dress. There are over 80 stamp impressions on the back and a good several dozen on the edge.

I knew eva foam holds a good amount of paint and creates nice clean lines so after testing a hand cut stamp I tweaked my line art and created a new slimmer stamp to account for paint spread.

Then used my cutting machine. Hint- if using an online SVG converter select to only cut the inner or outerline in your machine 🙂

So stamping actually required inking each stamp with a little sponge to the same thickness. I knew from the original these were stamps as you can see classic tells such as some stamps being pressed more or less evenly than others.

yes, there are two stamps and I laid out my paper copies to match the irregular not totally planned originals!

This is how I lined said paper stand ins. Also note how the colour changes depending on how the camera is used and how the sun is positioned in the sky.

This was seriously nervewracking! But I was methodical. I did stamp one first then stamp two.

I found my previous version in my archive so she now has a page 🙂

The hood and cloak are just pinned in place. But the cloak sleeve seams have been reshaped and the sides of the body sewn up. Now it’s a case of last round of stitching!