by admin, December 10, 2014

I’m not kidding, with my Bounty Hunter running around as essentially a Rene-gon femShep with Mako as practically Liara and then Rishi being such an interactive and responsive planet (butterflies- they smack in to my camera evete, and I play chase the birdie and piggies!!!). I’m loving the expansion and even with my “casual” status as a gamer (I’m a fraidy cat more than anything- though get me on a racing sim, and I am a reckless tearaway!) ANyway, I have adored playing even with my current fever. Though it means not being able to play long the game I *have* been playing has been really rewarding 🙂


I really do wish I was able to be involved with Togruta testing on the PTS. Hmm I did enable access to the PTS but I just had to do so again. Never mind. I’m honestly not sure if my adoration of the species is a good or bad thing. Much of what I love about them comes from the EU. Sadly:

http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Togruta/Canon vs http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Togruta and I’m on team legends. But I’m not going to get in to how much they were changed, and just hope that SWTOR can keep the way they have been where Togruta are at every level of society. And I’d love to basically brute force appearance options as at least in SWTOR and TCW we do see a lot of variation 🙂


And again, Ashara’s new customisation, glorious, glorious.

@SWTOR inspirations again :)

@SWTOR inspirations again 🙂


This is the new customisation for Ashara (number 4). You can buy them on the GTN for very cheap. But Guh, so pretty! And her face shape works with mine so I am pretty sure I can get my current set of montral new lekku to paint in this style.

It also gives me hope that Togruta are not far off as a playable species in which case Darth Tykhi may well wind up looking like this 🙂 I can see how the customisation could work too 🙂

Meanwhile my Merc is still rocking her white knight look ?

Latex and silicone ahoy :)

Whipped up some fluffy latex mix for a new set of Togruta montral 🙂  Also a mix for a set of asari tentacles as the last set pulled apart badly. Luckily even though it’s wet today the latex in both cases is curing and settling nicely.

And now there is a layer of silicone on the maleficent horns as well as matting worked in the outer layer. Very difficult  to smooth the stuff on as the horns fall over.

But now my hands are not happy typing so an early night again and some lovely hot cocoa.