Question time

So while my online demonstration of mold making is not really optimised as it’s slow going but here is a question:

Can anyone guess at why I have been trimming the edges of my molds? I just cut back not only the excess drip marks but also the thin edge left behind.

sm_dsc_0785 sm_dsc_0787

I am curious as to what might be presumed about this “extra step” 🙂

I’ll be posting a separate post once I have finished. But  few clues:

~ biggest clue- this mold is 50lbs (22.9kg)

~ I have seen professional mold-makers in action  so I picked up some habits used on large scale projects.

~ I have been making molds since.. well the late 90s (shhh) so I have a lot of experience in making and maintaining them (lots of experience at doing things in a rush as well as well planned)

~ think of these as objects in and of themselves as well as an intermediary object to make other things 🙂 And how you make the things from this.

~The mold is currently on the ground.